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Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Trump Supporter Labeled 'Fake News' By '60 Minutes' Beats Everyone To Susan Rice Scoop

Mike Cernovich, a journalist who has promoted conspiracy theories and was deemed “fake news” by “60 Minutes,” was the first to break the news that Obama’s former national security advisor Susan Rice made requests to unmask the identities of Trump associates.

Cernovich said in his report Sunday that New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman knew about the Rice requests, and “has chosen to sit on it in an effort to protect the reputation of former President Barack Obama.” A New York Times spokeswoman told The Daily Caller, “Cernovich’s claim regarding Maggie Haberman is 100 percent false.”

Bloomberg’s Eli Lake confirmed Cernovich’s report Monday, but did not include any details about Haberman sitting on the story. Cernovich told TheDC in an interview that Lake also sat on the story over the weekend. Lake did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The Bloomberg story didn’t give Cernovich any credit for his scoop and he said he wasn’t upset as he has more influence than Bloomberg.



  1. Cernovich is very credible, he did break this story and he has a boatload of info on the Pedophile Gate that he's trying very hard to get out to the public...

  2. That SUSAN RICE >> SHOULD BE >>> going to Prison !!!


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