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Saturday, April 08, 2017

These Liberals Want You To Swap Babies To Defeat Racism

For years, liberals have been coming up with new and creative ways to end racism in society — each more absurd than the last. However, their latest idea to end racism takes the cake for the most insane idea ever.

Howard Rachlin, a professor of psychology at Stony Brook University in New York, and Marvin Franke, a professor of psychology at Sarah Lawrence College, also in New York, have proposed in an op-ed they wrote for Aeon that children should be randomly assigned to families as a way to end racism.

No, seriously. These guys actually believe that giving your own child to a random stranger has the potential to end racism.



  1. Sickos! Never will I give my child away.

  2. Yeah right, one problem solved. No more racism. Until the whites that hate blacks and blacks that hate whites take it out on the child they are given to raise. Then what will they blame racism on?

  3. And these are supposed to be educated people,wow this country is in big trouble.

  4. Then how would you know if u were marrying your brother or sister?

  5. Hey if Hillary had won this might be a reality. Remember her book..."It Takes a Village". This is the type of loony left thinking that will destroy our country.l


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