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Saturday, April 15, 2017

The Real Reasons to Not Get Married


  1. Oh my gosh, who is the divorced POS that put this together?

    Lets go back to the 50s where I do not have to work, can stay home and raise the family and take care of the house.

    But hey it is 2017 and now I have to work, raise the kids, take care of the house and put up with your BS and you are whining because you have to participate financially?

    When you are scrubbing the toilets and changing diapers with me, then we can talk, but right now while you are busy whining, I am doing 75% of the work keeping you and the family together.

    Then you have those that are running around cheating, coming home drunk, and beating up your wife.

    There are very few male unicorns out there too. Goes both ways buddy.

    1. 1950s women in work force with young children was 45 percent vs now is 56 percent...

  2. Very good information to ponder. Most men just want sex on a regular basis and some one to pay the bills when he earns the money. end of story.
    Ok, you liberal females go ahead and explode, I'm sure your hair is on fire by now!

  3. He has some good points. And it will piss off many women because his underlying theme is spot on.

  4. 5:31... well said!!!!

  5. Honey get yourself a real man and not these lowlife "shore rednecks" (at least that's what the bumper sticker on the back of their beat up trucks says)

  6. As one who married a Princess, I can relate.

  7. That is a load of crap! He must be gay! I have been with my husband since 1994 married in 2001. I am a stay at home parent of 2 kids he works his job and earns the paycheck. I take care of the kids clean the house cut the grass do the yard work grocery shopping make sure all bills are paid and make sure He gets what he needs every night. He gives me the paycheck and I put it where it needs to go which is to pay the bills and provide food .. it's family money not his or mine we have a checking account together .. all money goes into a joint account .. sorry I'm old school and traditional and 40 yrs old and it has worked for us for over 15 years we are very happily married and very secure in our marriage and When our kids are grown we will both become financial contributors to the relationship I am not sucking him dry .. it's 50/50 he works and so do I we just contribute diff things
    To keep our family moving forward

  8. Women are leaches. The only thing they bring to a relationship is what is between their legs. They can not do a "mens" work. They want to use sex as a barganing chip when they dont get their way but that only undermines the relationship.

    Women are the most enitlted people i have ever meet.

    To bad they are neccessary for for the propogation of the species..... well for now atleast.

    Young men. No need to marry unless YOU want to. Stop listening to women. They are usually undiciplined in the ways of finance. They are spend thrifts. Marrige is a way to try and bi d you to them financially.

  9. This guy is spot on!


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