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Sunday, April 23, 2017

The Obamas just took a luxurious cruise with Oprah and Bruce Springsteen on this billionaire producer's yacht

The billionaire entertainment mogul David Geffen has set sail on his $590 million luxury yacht, Rising Sun, and as usual, he has a ton of boldface names with him, including the Obamas.

The 74-year-old mogul is known for cruising the high seas with celebrity guests. This time, he was joined by Barack and Michelle Obama, who were vacationing with Oprah Winfrey, Bruce Springsteen, and Tom Hanks.



  1. Man one good torpedo would get rid of a lot of the socialist issues in America.

  2. Followed Oprah since she was on People Are Talking in Baltimore, surprised she would attach herself to the Obamas as she has done, shame on her.

  3. Yes Liberals are hypocrites.

  4. You couldn't pay me to be on the dingy with that nasty crowd.
    The Jersey punk gets by, but can't sing any more than Whispering Bill Anderson. Only difference is Anderson is a gentleman.
    It's probably a cult boarded there to discuss why their fat lady lost.

  5. So I am guessing they have basically abandoned their daughter who is still in school while they are galavanting all over the place?

    1. Wrong - she is spending Easter/Spring Break with Mom and Dad, who have been staying at a resort on the Polynesian Island, Tetiaroa, where Barack is working on his White House memoirs.

  6. At least it wasn't taxpayer-funded.

    1. Probably costing us quite a bit, the Obama's continue to have secret service protection.

  7. These people sold out America.

  8. Gayle King is there but not Stedman . . . hmmmmm

  9. Dear Bruce, I threw up in my mouth when I saw this pic !

  10. Tom Hanks... Have you seen those Dinosaurs in spacecraft yet?

  11. Well some of them said they were leaving the country if Trump wins, maybe they are on a one way trip.

  12. I am done with all of them. Wont support them in any way. Wish they would sail away to another country and never return. Too bad. I liked tom hanks movies. No more. Trump is my president. Obummer sucked and brought our country to a new low. Mrs Tom

  13. Sorry but the current resident is selling America right under your noses


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