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Friday, April 21, 2017

Thank God Its Friday 4-21-17

What will you be doing this weekend?


  1. Donating some more tires to the Parkside Baseball Team. They've evidently worn the ones they had down to the steel radials. lol Go Parkside!

    1. Such a bunch of whining babies over there at Parkside. They should be lucky they are using CAR tires!!! Over here at Wi-Hi we use TRACTOR tires and NOBODY complains!! We ask for more!!'

  2. JUST trying to survive.....

  3. Well, couldn't see the sunrise this morning (FOG) so I've already had 2 tequila sunrises. Getting ready to hit the boardwalk for a Friday Stroll since its going to rain all weekend.

    Head over to Mickey Finn's later for HH before the t-storms roll in!!

  4. Rest and gardening. Time to recharge a little.

  5. Kids baseball opening day Saturday at Winter Place then going over to Pork in The Park for some good BBQ!!! Hope the rain stays away....at least for a little while!!!!

  6. 10:17 AM.. do you beleive the forecasters? I dont.. I can get paid and make better predictions than they do.

  7. trying not to die from allergies

  8. East Wicomico LL????? They still in operation with that lousy excuse of a board?? Self Proclaiming One's success doesn't mean they are successful.
    Like to see some tires around a few of those board members necks.

    HEY PARKSIDE COACHES WE NEED YOU!!!!! God Bless the kids!

  9. Me and the wife will be taking the daughter out to the Naylor Mill Sports complex for fast pitch softball. Those softballs fields look incredible. I have never seen the greens as lush dark green as they are there this year. I sure hope the new addition looks as good as these fields do when they are 30 years young.

  10. Getting drunk and working..


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