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Monday, April 10, 2017

Take Two-and-a-Half Minutes to See How Hypocritical Democrats Are on Filibustering Supreme Court Nominees

Numerous Senate Democrats have reversed themselves on prior oppositions to filibusters and preventing Supreme Court nominees from getting "up-or-down" votes as they try to block the nomination of Neil Gorsuch.

While they once decried the "tyranny of the minority" and the idea that judges could be blocked by the minority party, the Chuck Schumer-led party is changing course to stop President Trump's pick for the high court.

Under the threat from Democrats to vote against cloture, Republicans are preparing to invoke the "nuclear option" to give Gorsuch a 51-vote threshold in order to allow his nomination to go before the full Senate, where he is essentially certain to be confirmed by the GOP majority.

Democrats led by then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) first invoked the "nuclear option" in 2013, which allowed President Obama to get his executive-branch and lower-court nominations through the chamber with just 51 votes. Liberals cheered the move as finally allowing the Democrat majority to rule.


1 comment:

  1. History is what it is. Don't forget it or ignore it.


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