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Monday, April 10, 2017

Swing State Election Worker Charged With Illegally Changing Records To Allow Felons to Vote

A North Carolina election worker has been charged with illegally altering voter records so hundreds of felons could vote, The News and Observer reports.

Joy Yvette Wilkerson, a former temporary election worker in Granville County, N.C., accessed voter registration records and restored the active voting status of 250 convicted felons in the county. The activity, which was initially discovered by the Granville County Board of Elections last June, is a felony.

More here


  1. do you think Joy is a member of the Party of Liberal Jim?

  2. Let's be sure to acknowledge that this is 250 felony counts, each crime committed separately with intent. I look forward to hearing how this case is handled and what the outcome will be.


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