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Saturday, April 15, 2017

STRANGE: Bernie Sanders says “GOOD OMEN” Predicts Trump’s 2020 Run?!

Okay, Sanders is off his meds again. Now he’s ranting that President Trump will be a one-term President. Then he went on to gush how it is the time of the Progressives and that they will dominate once again. Delusions of grandeur and communism much? Yes, Trump’s numbers are bad, but that doesn’t mean Americans choose Marxists. And he gets rejection of the healthcare bill all wrong. It wasn’t shot down because it went too far, it was shot down because it didn’t go anywhere far enough. We want a full repeal of Obamacare and then the free market to take over.

And I fail to see how Trump’s policies hurt the poor… if anything they are helping them in many ways. This whole insurance argument is stupid. Before Obamacare, when you went to the emergency room, if you didn’t have insurance, you could work out a payment plan. Now, you are just screwed… so just stop it already. I read somewhere this morning, that you have to make a minimum of $46,000 a year just to afford Obamacare. How does that help the poor? It devastates them. The budget cuts Trump is doing should boost the economy and benefit everyone by the way. Just as cutting taxes will.



  1. Joe can i make a comment.

    I was driving on Rt 13 just past sage diner when a terrible 3 car accident happend i went to ace hardware came out drove back to the area and STILL NO FD OR AMBULACE for Over 10 minutes ? what gives ? terrible response time.

    1. It's hard to believe you don't see ANYTHING wrong with your LACK of action... instead you complain. Sad.

  2. Could be there were no injuries, in that case the fire department would not respond.


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