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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Stolen Chihuahua Puppy From Superpet

Hi Joe

Two people stole a white chihuahua from Salisbury Superpet this afternoon and were captured on camera.

Could you please post it on your site? Maybe somebody will recognize them.

Thank you so much


  1. Wow. As many puppies have been stolen from there and the person always gets caught. People are such idiots.. She looks so proud of herself for what she did. I hope she smiles that big for her mug shot.

  2. Three are pictured. Which two?

  3. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Three are pictured. Which two?

    April 26, 2017 at 6:05 PM

    The blonde carrying the puppy should narrow it down for you

  4. OKAY, 8:26, I SAW that. Tell us all, which of the other two should we look out for? You are such a genius, you must know, right?

    1. If you know any of them they were all 3 involved. Im sure they will sing when police question them

  5. There is no crime here, ask the Mayor, what you have here is "Alternative Shopping".

  6. That's a Good one 8:26 pm :)

  7. This store should not be allowed to sell dogs. I am sure these are puppy mill pups.

  8. Pup located SAFE in BALTIMORE! Now, let's catch the thieves. Wish I could read which MD high school is on the back of the guy's jacket.

  9. it wasn't a theft, it was a rescue!

  10. Be more observant. The woman in the image with the male is different from the blond walking with the white dog below. They are dressed completely different. This is why the owner said THREE PEOPLE INVOLVED.

    Go to the Eye Doc. It might do you all some good.

  11. Did they catch them yet

  12. She will most likely get a slap on the wrist, the pet store wont prosecute,
    She got it to baltimore and dropped it off at some guys house , they got the dog back but I am sure the puppy is traumatized


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