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Monday, April 03, 2017

State’s Approved Capital Budget Includes Funding For OC Convention Center, Hospital

OCEAN CITY — State lawmakers this week passed Governor Larry Hogan’s fiscal year 2018 capital budget, which includes a significant financial shot in the arm for several major Lower Shore projects including the next major phase of the Roland E. Powell Convention Center expansion.

On Wednesday, the House of Delegates passed Hogan’s capital budget with a 123-13 vote. A short time later, the Senate passed the governor’s capital spending plan with a unanimous 47-0 vote. The budget includes funding for several vital capital improvement projects on the Lower Shore including $500,000 for the Phase 3 expansion of the Roland E. Powell Convention Center in Ocean City.

Also included in the governor’s capital budget approved on Wednesday is $100,000 for the Believe in Tomorrow Children’s House by the Sea in Ocean City, $681,000 for the new Atlantic General Hospital Cancer Care Center, $50,000 for the new Worcester County Public Library in Berlin, $500,000 for upgrades to the Arthur W. Perdue Stadium in Salisbury that hosts the Delmarva Shorebirds, $630,000 for the Salisbury Animal Health Laboratory replacement and another $1 million for a Salisbury revitalization project.



  1. $500,000.00 to support the Perdue Stadium? If a business can't stand on its own two feet then let it fall.
    What makes this business different from others that have to cut expenses in order to survive?

  2. And I have no say where my $$$$$$$$$ goes, except in November!

    OC Convention MONEY PIT
    Perdue's baseball novelty

    LOTS of taxpayer money................

  3. now we see why Mathis screwed us on his vote. Money for pet projects!

  4. Spending our money like we have plenty of it.

  5. What's the SBY Animal Health Lab????
    Never ever heard of anything like
    that here?????

  6. The lab is out on Nanticoke Road and specializes in poultry diseases.

  7. Isn't it time to extend the OC airport runway again?? Or was that another of the MANY high priced survey's to figure out NO to extending the runway because the econ still isn't good to have the wishful HOARDS of planes that will come here....that "pie" in the sky thinking ended decades ago!!!

    We piss away so much money.....


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