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Sunday, April 02, 2017

Single Payer Healthcare

Single payer healthcare would save billions of dollars all while covering every single person with coverage.

Our current system is riddled with waste and fraud. The insurance companies provide no service except to push paper and raise costs to cover their profits, CEO salaries, and dividends to share holders. It's time to cut the insurance companies out of the healthcare.


  1. i'm sure if the gov't is involved it will be simple!! Everything they do they screw up!

  2. It's sure to do one thing, and that's to create more government jobs all across the country.

  3. Single payer means you must go through the government to get health insurance. ie government control ie Socialism/Communism. NO THANKS

  4. The worst words you can hear: I'm here from the Government and I'm here to help.

  5. I disagree. My health insurance has offered me a great service for over 50 years. I will concur pre Obamacare the service was not only excellent but it also came with a very fair price. Post Obamacare the service is still excellent but the price is exorbitant for someone who has zero health issues, is on no prescription medicines, has never had an operation and has only made one trip to the ER for stitches in the knee 30 years ago.

  6. You are an absolute fool if you think the US Government can be trusted to manage your health care.

  7. Actually, Medicare is a great system and well run. Use the Medicare model.

  8. So let me get this straight...despite all your "Republican" rants...you are advocating for Socialism here? Correct me if I'm wrong...but that's what government control of things is...Socialism...

  9. Medicare premiums just went up 10%. Social security? Less than 1/2 of 1%. Good luck with that. Especially with more doctors than ever before opting out of Medicare.

    If the government can run healthcare, how can they not run the VA. Can't do it for 22m veterans but can do it for 318m Americans? BS alert.

  10. I'm in favor of a basic level of care for everyone with the option to purchase supplemental insurance as long as the costs of services and pharmaceuticals is addressed fairly.

  11. Believe the point is we all must start thinking in different terms - yesterday was thrown out with the bath water on 1/20/17. Everything is different now and the administration wants accountability.

    Now - accountability WILL NOT...WILL NOT happen overnight. Thinking in different terms may include gov't involvement, but not the kind of government we all remember that includes waste/fraud/abuse of systems.

    One thing is for sure ACA needs to be modified before its totally breaks.

  12. 9:58 AM is that before or after the billions lost to fraud?

  13. I'm with the government and I'm here to help. That's satirical for a reason.

  14. So instead of decisions concerning life and death or quality of life being made between you and your doctor, you would rather that some idiot beaurocrat in DC control your health care. You my friend are a complete idiot.

  15. Whose idea is this?

  16. Single payer healthcare would save billions of dollars all while covering every single person with coverage.

    Really??? Lies, lies, and more lies. ANYTHING connected with the government is waste, fraud and abuse. GET IT!!!

    Keep Healthcare and Insurance out of the government. period
    I realize we currently have Medicare and other government insurances and look how bad this is being run.

  17. look at how well the gov runs the VA care, then get back to me

  18. CHARGE medicaid people $250 a yr each to help the system.

  19. Annnnd, Obama said if you like your doctor and health care plan, you could keep your doctor and health care plan. Not only that, he promised us our insurance premiums would go down, once we got all those uninsured healthy people enrolled. HaHa, that was hilarious.

    Single payer is just another name for total tax, and government controlled and distributed health care (socialism). Think medicare's free when you turn 65? Look at what's being deducted for Medicare from your payroll check now. Your paying for it now, and you'll pay for it then. Don't even believe anyone when they say "Its that simple."

  20. Who on earth would Want to Give the Government such Total Control over your lives? With this "plan" the Government would be deciding Who get's treatment and who doesn't get treatment. That doesn't sound like a Good Plan to me, at least if you want to be able to Grow Old with your Grandchildren.

    Now before any Liberals come along and tell me that I'm wrong, let me ask you this: How Many People do you Know at the VA or who Are On Medicare? If you are Honest With Yourself, you will Admit that None of Them are Getting Good Care. The Current System of Insurance from My Employer Works Very Well for Most of Us, and there is No Need to Change something that Works Very Well.

  21. It's interesting, though I agree single payer is better, this post pushes propaganda and a lie that progressives have controlled the thinking of the American public with, namely that insurance companies are a significant reason for high health care costs.
    Research the ACTUAL numbers. Insurance companies are largely lean, they like the federal governments medicaire, have to have some staff to make sure billed services are legit, and yet don't get half the bargained costs that controlled Medicare costs get, they normally pay twice as much. It actually is part of the problem, if you had guaranteed costs for both insurers and Medicare where insurance companies could pay what Medicare actually pays there would be no discussion. Since that will never happen, insurance companies will always be ravaged by the healthcare industry and pay in most cases twice what medicaire pays for the same services. This is the poison pill of our healthcare system, frankly dating back to far before Obamacare. The health care industry has no one to stop them and their outrageous pricing. Single payer would eventually do that.
    But, the only reason that's neccesary is we are being overcharged by doctors and hospitals and far over treated. Remember, the average American gets 8 times as many CT scans as the average European. Our outcomes aren't better. Why the difference? Money. Doctors are taking your money. The insurance company loses. You lose. The doctor wins. Simple as that. This is only one example, but illustrates the problem. Insurance companies are the patsies in this debate, small, weak, no significant lobby, basically the whipping boys for the politicians who are living in shameless excess due to the greasing they get from their healthcare masters. Inefficient insurance companies probably cost us a handful of dollars per year, unchecked healthcare costs you that same hand with those dollars, the arm it's attached to and your leg.

  22. I just don't understand the premise that someone else should be responsible for your health insurance.

    It's your body. Pay your own!

  23. This is my body and my life. I wish to insure it so that if something bad happens to me I will be covered for that. As far as regular maintenance, I'll pay cash, as long as I know what the price is, which is the problem here.

    Nobody knows, and nobody says. All they say is, :What insurance do you have"?

    Which means, "we don't take cash customers".

    Which means I as a a male have to pay for PAP smears and OBGYN fees before I get seen for stitches.

    Which means I pay double or triple, because Big Pharma needs to pay their lobbyists and Obamacare needs to pay their 10,000 government Administrators.

    And we wonder why we are not seeing the "you will save $2500 a year" on our policies.

    Reason #1 1 You were scammed.

    There is no reason #2.


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