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Sunday, April 30, 2017

Should it be a crime to remove a condom during sex?

There’s a disturbing new trend with dangerous consequences. Men are taking off their condoms during consensual sex, then bragging about it online.

It’s called ‘stealthing.’ According to Alexandra Brodsky, who conducted a study on the practice, the act could violate several civil and criminal laws.

Brodsky details stealthing in a report she did for Columbia Journal of Gender and Law. In it, she profiles a doctoral student named Rebecca. While she's not studying, Rebecca works for a local rape crisis hotline. She hears about stealthing a lot from students and says often times, callers start with, ‘I’m not sure this is rape, but…’

Rebecca says she was a victim of stealthing when she was a freshman. According to Brodsky, the law is largely silent on it.



  1. Without the woman's knowledge, ABSOLUTELY!!!

    1. You're a moron

    2. @9:18. You're the moron. Just because a woman has sex with someone doesn't mean she wants an STD or a child. This is not the 1950s, women are having sex with men they're not married to.

    3. 9:41. When you CHOOSE to let men use you sexually this is the kind of thing that can happen. Do you think they care if you get pregnant or an std? They could care less about you as a person. Sad truth.

  2. What kind of dumb millennial crap is that? They should call it diseasing or suiciding

  3. How about, dont have sex with random men you dont trust? My God what a concept.

    When you treat sex in such a casual way you are going to be susceptible to these types of occurances. Go ahead and make it illegal all you want. But never forget, you are engaging in this behavior willingly.

    I have an idea. Lets sign a contract and video tape every sexual interaction we have. NBA players got something right.

  4. When are we as free people, not subjects, going to demand the government get to hell out of our bedrooms and our sex life? This is more BS!

  5. Only if you make the mistake of having sex with Hillary Clinton.

  6. Just more liberal crap. If a woman consents, she consents. It's most her word against his, anyway.

  7. In the first place it could lead to pregnancy, in the second place, not so much.

  8. Why do do believe immoral people would follow a law. Make a law! Make a law! Must be a Democrat!

  9. When you have sex in a committed loving relationship this doesn't happen. When you have casual sex you shouldn't be surprised by something like this.

  10. When sexual relationships are reduced to "hooking up," this is what you get. About as much real intimacy as a couple of dogs "hooking up." Young ladies think it is fun to play the game....until something bad happens.

  11. 9:17 - Totally agree. But hey, here is an old fashioned idea. What about abstaining and saving yourself for your true love when married? What a wonderful gift.

    1. 7:25. How many of those "true love" marriages end in divorce??🤔

  12. Haha 12:49 Nobody has ever gotten pregnant in the second place.


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