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Monday, April 03, 2017

Sen. Bernie Sanders: Trump Voters Are Not Racists, Sexists, or Homophobes

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) defended people who voted for President Trump in a speech Friday, saying that the Democratic Party needs to better represent the working-class voters who supported his presidency.

“Some people think that the people who voted for Trump are racists and sexists and homophobes and deplorable folks. I don’t agree, because I’ve been there. Let me tell you something else some of you might not agree with, it wasn’t that Donald Trump won the election, it was that the Democratic Party lost the election,” Sanders said while speaking at an Our Revolution rally in Boston alongside Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), according to theHill.

Sanders added that the Democratic Party needs to undergo a “fundamental restructuring” to win future elections and that the party’s current state pushed voters to support Trump and the GOP this past election season.

“We need a Democratic Party that is not a party of the liberal elite but of the working class of this country, we need a party that is a grassroots party, where candidates are talking to working people not spending their time raising money for the wealthy and the powerful,” Sanders said. “And when we do that, when we transform the Democratic Party, we transform America.”



  1. Democrats have turned their backs on the working man and women.

  2. For once Bernie's got it right.

  3. And quit pandering to the irresponsible leech minority groups, victimization seeking idiots

  4. Sounds like he is considering a 2020 run.

  5. Bernie says this now, after letting it simmer in his brain for about eight months.

  6. Listen up Republicans a few Democrats have figured out where they screwed up and you can be damn sure they will try to correct it. Republicans better stop fighting amongst them selves and get their crap togather.

  7. Oh Bernie has something crooked brewing in his feeble lil mind.lol

  8. Just the DEPLORABLES as Hillary says ....Thank you

    Really they (Demoncrats ) are the real Deplorables !!!


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