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Saturday, April 29, 2017

Rep. Harris’ Statement on President Trump’s First 100 Days in Office

WASHINGTON, DC: On April 28, Congressman Andy Harris (MD-01) released the following statement on President Trump’s first 100 days in office:

“Reflecting on the last 100 days, I am proud of the accomplishments achieved by Congress and the White House in such a short time. We have enacted 28 pieces of legislation since President Trump’s inauguration – more than any other administration since President Harry Truman. Using the Congressional Review Act, we’ve rolled back 13 harmful Obama-era regulations that expanded federal authority and stunted economic growth. One such regulation was the Waters of the United States rule – a prime example of federal government overreach that would have imposed costly burdens on Eastern Shore farmers. From decreasing illegal immigration, to restoring America’s stature as a leader of the free world, to the appointment of Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch, the President is keeping his promises to the American People. In the next few months, I am confident that we will continue to strengthen our national defense as we seek to simplify the U.S. tax code, repair our nation’s health care system, and create jobs for the millions of hardworking Americans left behind by the previous administration.”


  1. Uh, what accomplishments has Congress done? Seriously? They failed to vote on Obamacare repeal, throwing up resistance to building the Wall and keep trying to push Tax reform back more and more. Harris has nothing to be proud of in reality and should know that Congress needs to get it's collective act together. The only real changes from DC in the last 100 has been as a result of Trump's EOs. Some have met with judicial activist resistance but will inevitably be overturned at the Supreme Court level. Congress has continued the do-nothing milieu.

  2. Andy Harris voted to support ObamaCare and has worked hard against Pres Trump's initiatives to keep the promises that got him elected. Looking for a replacement for this RINO should start now.

  3. Congress is STILL Wimpy. Kill ObamaCare NOW...any New healthcare bill/law you pass must be used by ALL POLS. the healthcare you're currently using should be NO LONGER available to YOU...anything you pass; you must use. period.


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