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Tuesday, April 04, 2017

Proposal to use medical marijuana to treat heroin addiction dropped from Maryland bill

Supporters of a bill that would increase the number of licenses Maryland will issue to growers of medical marijuana dropped a proposal Monday that would have allowed the drug to be used to treat heroin addiction.

After the provision was eliminated, the House of Delegates rejected a flurry of Republican amendments to the legislation and gave it preliminary approval.

The provision would have added heroin and other opioid addictions to the list of conditions that could be treated with cannabis products recommended by a physician. It was added by a House committee on the recommendation of a work group that drafted the version of the legislation that came to the House floor.



  1. Research has been hobbled for decades by the Feds, so don't expect that any cannabis related treatments are on anyone's horizon.

  2. If the big drug companies can't make a buck on it, it's not going to be. Check the political contributions to our heavy hitter politicians and you'll quickly see which way that wind blows.

  3. Wait for the science to catch up with the applications.

  4. Still closed minded "ELECTED" officials in Annapolis. WE voted them IN. Will need to VOTE them OUT in the future!!!!


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