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Tuesday, April 04, 2017

President Trump Announces Who He Will Be Donating His Salary To

President Donald Trump will be donating his first quarter's salary to the National Park Service, according to White House Spokesman Sean Spicer. The announcement was made during Monday's White House press briefing.

In total, the president will be donating $78.333.32 to the park service. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, who was at the briefing to accept the check, has said the money will go to improve maintenance of the nation's battlefields.



  1. How funny would it be if it was for NPR... Those race baiters

  2. Glad to hear it. With environmental programs going down the drain it's nice to take care of our beautiful park system

  3. Good for the President to keep his word. He's donating it back to the government and so far it appears that the money will be put to good use.

  4. Meanwhile, back at the Clinton Foundation, an $80,000 donation was made to another down-on-their-luck women's fashion designer.

  5. And yet he cuts their budget $1.2 BILLION, lol.

  6. I personally think he should keep the money and his daughter Avanka should get paid. Since when do we demand people to work for free because they have been smart with their money. It's not fair.

    1. No one demanded this, lady, he did it because he wanted to.

  7. And now he gets a big fat charitable deduction on his taxes.

  8. If he wants to donate, how about Shriners Hospital or St. Judes where they need it. This money is going to a tax funded National Park Service that money has already been stole from tax payers.

    Not criticizing this man because I smile everyday, that he is our POTUS.

    1. Liberals criticize then say I'm not criticizing...

  9. He's getting more than fairly compensated just in the charges made to the government by Mar a lago and his other properties every weekend. Instead of hosting state dinners at the White House which is provided by the people for this purpose, he entertains dignitaries at his own personal club. You can bet the Mar a Lago weekend expenses aren't being donated to the government.

    1. 8 more years of it then Avanka for 8 years. Sound good to me :) go trump.


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