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Sunday, April 09, 2017

Palm Sunday attacks: 43 dead, more than 100 injured in church bombings carried out by ISIS in Egypt

Egypt's president called for a three-month state of emergency Sunday after at least 43 people were killed and more than 100 more were injured in two Palm Sunday suicide attacks at Coptic Christian churches, each carried out by the ISIS terror group.

Sunday's first blast happened at St. George Church in the Nile Delta town of Tanta, where at least 27 people were killed and 78 others wounded, officials said.

Television footage showed the inside of the church, where a large number of people gathered around what appeared to be lifeless, bloody bodies covered with papers.

A second explosion – which Egypt’s Interior Ministry says was caused by a suicide bomber who tried to storm St. Mark's Cathedral in the coastal city of Alexandria -- left at least 16 dead, and 41 injured. The attack came just after Pope Tawadros II -- leader of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria -- finished services, but aides told local media that he was unharmed.

At least three police officers were killed in the St. Mark’s attack, the ministry told The Associated Press.



  1. Isis and liberals both hate Christians. Just remember Jesus loves all and is the ultimate judge.

  2. They WON't get away with it ...Isis will be in HELL soon !

  3. where is the airstikes on these Bastards.?????

  4. Meanwhile Maryland dumbocrats vote to make Maryland a sanctuary state.

  5. can you imagine if mosques got hit here like this in America ? Disgusting.

  6. Please tell me we aren't in this alone.A few more countries need to pitch in & give us a hand.

  7. But Father LeBarge and Susan Hargreaves Parker says we should pray for the Muslims.


  8. Religion of Peace checks in to help celebrate Holy Week.

    Sad. Most of us have no idea how much courage is required to be a Christian in many other countries - today!

  9. 6:57 while I agree we should pray for them these 2 fake Christians take it a step more and think we should give them carte blanche refugee status. Both too stupid to realize they are coming from countries with no established government therefore no way to vet properly. And such the hypocrite this lebarge is. The pope is going to Egypt soon. This supposed priest lebarge should be calling for the pope to go without any security so he can see what the Christians living in Egypt go through. But he won't because he tool for the left and Catholics everywhere should be ashamed of what he and those like him have reduced their "faith" to.

  10. And some congressman or such READS THE QURAN as an opening prayer in the USA.

    Keep cheering.


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