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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Obama to Earn $400K Speaking Fee at Wall Street Conference

Former President Barack Obama has a big payday coming when he speaks at a Wall Street conference later this year.

According to Fox Business, Obama will be paid $400,000 to be the keynote speaker at an event put on by Cantor Fitzgerald LP. The network reports that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's fee for speaking at a private business was roughly half of Obama's.

Obama's participation at the healthcare conference has not yet been publicly announced, but Fox Business cites people who work at Cantor, an investment bank, as saying a contract has been signed.

"Is there an irony here because he spoke incessantly about the income gap and is now earning from those same people he criticized? Yes it is," Democratic political consultant Hank Sheinkopf told Fox. "Should we expect it? Yes, we should because all former presidents do this. He went on the attack against Wall Street and now he's being fed by those same people he called 'fat cats.' It's more hypocritical than ironic."




  2. Interesting that he would speak to this group after his expression of disdain for the Wall Street elite in several statements to the public. Also of note Hillary received 48 million $$$ from wall street in her failed election bid while her opponent and now POTUS Trump received $19,000 from this same group of donors, but she's still fighting for the average American not the rich Yep OK what ever you say Hiliar-y!

  3. Well if those "fat cats" want to pay that kind of money to hear a bunch of BS then shame on them. Personally I wouldn't pay a penny to hear anything that comes out of his lying mouth.

  4. Save some money. I will give a speech to you guys for $4,000.00 Win Win for everyone. (will any of those turds remember the speech he gives a week later?)

  5. I have tried to avoid hearing that voice of the failed so called man since his campaign in '08. All I have hear through no fault of my own is a couple seconds when caught in another room without the remote. I'm not a lazy person, but sure like the device for that reason. It also works well to silence Dick Morris and the fat headed Karl Rove. "Don't care to hear" since they failed us on election night way back when. Democrats should feel my pain (understand), because they experienced the same recently when told the fat failure won be their leader.

  6. Anything Obummer has to say is not worth two cents. First of all he is a compulsive liar. Almost everything he said as President for eight years was a lie. So I can't understand why anyone would pay him to give a speech on any subject. You know he is just going to try and condemn Trump and try and get all of the wall street money to help him in ruining Trump. This is his goal in life now to try and ruin Trump at every move Trump tries to make. So he will continue to try and get his agenda for Marxism or Socialism or the One World Movement to be realized any way he can. So Obama and Soros and all the others only goal in life is to make America over to their liking so they can tell everyone how to live their lives. Because all the liberal left think we the people are too stupid to make our own decisions.

  7. He Ain't worth $40.00 !!!!!!!!!!

  8. What I don't understand is why anyone would want to hear anything he has to say; didn't we hear enough of him for eight years!

    1. Can they pay obama in welfare ebt crabs and shrimp ?

  9. How about some protests at that firm's offices -- and then a boycott by conservative investors, who should pull their accounts and place them with a competitor.

  10. He following Bill Clinton's way to make Millions on
    frigg'in speeches ........figures !!

    Guess Obama Foundation coming next too .........

  11. Did not take him long to Re-Emerge again from his vacations !!!

    America Ruined by him 8 years.....enough of Obama !!!

  12. He Not Earning it > Just being Bought Off Again for Favors


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