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Thursday, April 06, 2017

New Research Suggests Sinus Problems & Depression Are Linked

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) – New research suggests that chronic sinus problems may be linked to depression.

More than 12 percent of adults have been diagnosed with sinusitis. Many report calling out sick from work or school because they can’t breathe, can’t focus and feel miserable.

More than 100 people, with an average age of 52, were entered into a study. They filled out questionnaires about their sinusitis symptoms, including things like sleep, pain and emotional function.

The study’s results show that most people missed an average of three days of work or school, and the days they missed were most strongly linked with symptoms of depression.

Some doctors say they plan to pay more attention to quality of life issues, including depression, when treating patients with chronic sinusitis. One allergist worries some patients don’t voice their concerns.

“I think very few of them make a direct connection between the depression and the sinus symptoms, or why they’re depressed,” says Dr. James DeAngelo of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Associates.



  1. no way....I bet they say you can pee and poop the same time too....

  2. 9:10 PM yes way, feel like crap all the time and you will eventually get depressed.


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