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Wednesday, April 05, 2017

New bill would ban employers from asking about job candidates’ salary histories

DOVER — Lawmakers marked “Equal Pay Day” Tuesday by introducing legislation that would bar employers from asking job applicants about their salary histories.

The measure, announced in a news conference and sponsored by all 13 women in the General Assembly, seeks to ensure women are paid the same as men, the legislators said.

The American Association of University Women claims that women in Delaware make 11 percent less than men.



  1. male vs women pay gap is Fake.

  2. 5:49 no, its not.

    I recently went to an interview where I was asked for my salary history and I politely refused to cough it up. She got rather rude to me when I explained that I did not understand how that related to the job I was interviewing for.

    They are paying what they are paying and its not really relevant.

    Anywho, she then said what do you want to make so I said 60K with healthcare. hahaha. Interview was over. I didn't care. At that point she already showed her attitude.

    Some of their illegal activity was to insist that you fill out paperwork that stated your birthdate and social security number, as a convenience to them - and that was before I was even interviewed. I said no to that to.

    It was the local car dealership on the south corner of 13

    1. 60k for car dealership??? What are you thinking?

  3. I'm with 5:49 on this one

    When women start taking up Mechanical Engineering instead of underwater basket weaving...

    When women quit taking four days of sick time each month...

    I know plenty of women that make more than some men...the women made good career choices and the men made bad career choices.

    I have seen women in the same position make less than their male counterparts due to less certification, capability, and actual job performance.
    I have also seen women make more than men in the same position

  4. 6:49 PM yea keep repeating those myths.

  5. 6:38 PM I was thinking their protocols and procedures are from the stone ages and I really didn't care at that point.

    I answered her question. It was a stupid question. It was an honest answer.
    If they were ethical they would have posted a salary in the ad or told me up front instead of playing their stupid games.

    Silly me, I momentarily forgot where I lived.

  6. 6:49 PM is from the last century with those sexist statements. It diluted any valid point it may have had with the typical woman bashing garbage.

    When you can squirt out a 7 lb baby from your body then you will have a valid point of us taking time out due to gods design.

    Disgusting idiot. POS


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