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Tuesday, April 04, 2017

Md. sheriffs oppose proposed ‘sanctuary state' bill

FREDERICK, Md. - A pair of Maryland’s top sheriffs are blasting the state’s General Assembly about a bill being considered by lawmakers in Annapolis which they say will create a “sanctuary state” for illegal immigrants. While Gov. Larry Hogan is promising a veto if the bill hits his desk, law enforcement officials warn that some damage may have already been done with Maryland now at the center of the sanctuary debate.

This bill, which now sits at the State Senate Committee, has already passed the House. Supporters call it the “Trust Act” and is aimed at easing the fears of undocumented immigrants. Police officials are calling it something else – a “sanctuary bill” that would block local police from cooperating with federal immigration officials when they arrest an illegal alien who has committed a crime. While this debate goes into limbo, the sheriffs of both Frederick and Harford County warned on Monday that word of this bill is spreading thought the illegal immigrant pipeline, putting Maryland as a prime destination for individuals wanting to avoid federal immigration laws.

“Not only will it make it a sanctuary state, but a magnet state,” said Sheriff Chuck Jenkins with Frederick County. “Meaning anybody can come into this state, commit a serious crime, a violent crime without any fear of removal. That’s a bad thing, so not only will we become a sanctuary, we will become a magnet for criminal activity.”



  1. Mikey must be in Asia at an International Sheriff Conference..No camera time for him on this?

  2. Can not wait to get out of this state.

  3. An illegal alien should live in fear the entire time that they are in the US, illegally!!

  4. Just refuse to go along with it.

  5. Proud of these sheriffs.

  6. For some odd reason Democrats believe a sanctuary state that is good for gangs like Latin Kings, MS-13 is also good for Maryland.

  7. There is NO need to go after the little guy who is NOT z Felon go after the Illegal gang felons and rzpist murderers leave the farm hands and maids alone and just make them pay a Fine.

  8. Go to the Centre at Salisbury on a weekend or a rainy day and look at how many are there. They are everywhere. And there are more and more of them every month. Used to, Georgetown Delaware was called little mexico. Now it's the entire state of Maryland that has has that designation. Marylander's did not ask for this. They never sask us what we want. They just do as THEY see fit.


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