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Friday, April 21, 2017

Md. prosecutors defend Beltway sniper’s 6 life sentences

WASHINGTON — Almost 15 years after the Capital Beltway sniper rampage that left 10 dead, lawyers for Lee Boyd Malvo will be in a Montgomery County, Maryland, courtroom, arguing that his six life sentences are unconstitutional.

Malvo’s attorneys say a 2016 U.S. Supreme Court ruling makes retroactive a previous order deeming mandatory life sentences for juveniles convicted of murder unconstitutional.

Prosecutors counter the 2016 ruling doesn’t apply to Malvo, who was 17 when he was arrested in 2002.

A hearing is set for June 15 in Montgomery County Circuit Court.

Malvo was initially found guilty of capital murder in Fairfax County in 2003, and was sentenced to life in prison. The trial was held in Chesapeake, Virginia.



  1. I was hoping you could raise some awareness on this situation. My sister is a 16 year old sophomore at James M. Bennett High School. Today, the school took her out of her classes, sat her in the office, made her miss her lunch, and finally threatened to suspend her for wearing a rainbow skirt. Mind you, she identifies as gay. She gets bullied and attacked for this, and today was told that she wouldn't have been called a fag had she not been as open about her sexuality. I've read the Tinker vs. Des Moines case, and a rainbow color skirt, worn by a female of any sexuality, does not cause disruption of any sort except to those who are inconsiderate and cause disruptions anyway. There are children being attacked, and they're more worried about a rainbow skirt. If you have different opinions, that's fine, thank you for reading, but I know a lot of people in Salisbury read your page, and it would be awesome to shed some light on this situation.

  2. 4:20

    What the heck does that have to do with the beltway murderer?

  3. Nothing - but looks like while he is in court, they need a good sniper around waiting on him... :)

  4. He lacked a few days of being 18. He was the trigger man in the assaults. He deserves everything that can be thrown at him including the death penalty!


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