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Saturday, April 15, 2017

Maine Dems Laugh About High Suicide Rates Among White Males

Former Maine senatorial candidate Richard Fochtmann was filmed joking about rising suicide rates among white males at a recent event hosted by the Maine Democratic Party.

The video shows Fochtmann tell the crowd at a “Values and Vision” community meeting about how the Democratic Party needs more “young people” and “more women.”

“Today, you know, I saw a [inaudible] that said a lot of men, white men are committing suicide,” he continued. “I almost thought yeah, great.”



  1. If a Republican had told a joke like that it would be considered. Hate crime. Just wondering what planet he lives on.

  2. Ok so it is white people laughing because white males kill themselves. What the hell is wrong with these fools? Wait till one of them die or kill themselves. I am so very sick of every day there is someone somewhere not happy about something yet it gets reported and they think it matters to everyone else. Well all I can say until now until you cry for a loved one like me losing my brother, sister and mother in a 2 year span you do not know pain and would never laugh at a loss of life if it was someone you know and love. How would react if someone laughed at your love one dieing by any means. Shame on all of you.(map)

  3. These fools are Dumbocrats enough said.

  4. They are so tolerant and such a loving political party. Not!


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