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Friday, April 07, 2017

Liberal Liar Ireton & His Polluted Politics

The reports are in and once again, year after year, the Wicomico River just keeps getting worse. One thing is for sure, Jim Ireton flat out LIED to the public and typical of all local liberal politicians they'll say and do anything to get elected.

You can GO HERE to view one of the reports but here's what NONE of them are going to tell you. I was the one who confronted the State referencing their not doing their test properly as they did not include the Salisbury Zoo in their original reports because the State claimed it was in tidal waters and it was not. Should they have done their tests properly the Zoo probably would have been shut down over 10 years ago. 

Now that they have had more then 10 years to do the proper testing, funny how every year the River keeps getting failing grades, even though they went ignored for 10 years until they had enough information to include that area in their tests. Yeah, TEN YEARS the numbers were way off and Ireton knew it. 

There's no way the Wicomico River will be clean over the next 20 years, especially if they continue to allow hundreds of animals to defecate every single day into the Wicomico River. The Zoo also puts hundreds of pounds of duck chow into the river daily which attracts an unusually high volume of wild animals doing the same. Hence why the Zoo removed the Llamas from being right on the river. Obviously that didn't help matters.

So these save the world tree huggers can make the simple claim there's a problem because of the high volume of rain but like any other liberal organization they're only telling you part of the story. 

So there will be no swimming in the Wicomico River and yes it has been more then 10 years since Ireton made that promise. Ladies & Gentlemen, the City of Salisbury has very little navigable waterway on the River anyway, so there wasn't much to clean up to start with. Now you have a Boy Mayor who's probably away in the reserves for the weekend so he doesn't have to show his face after this new report. Ireton, well, he's probably in Rehoboth for the weekend. How's that "Rain Tax" working for you Jim & Jake. Or what do you call that new tax now anyway? You know, kind of like section 8 housing is now affordable housing. Same thing, different day. 

Just imagine if they reported crime properly, what the numbers would be like. Maybe SU needs to come out with another organization like Creekwatchers to keep these habitual liberal liars in check too.  


  1. Keep em honest (or not) Joe! The failing sewers, incompliant WWTP, and the perfect lawns of the river's high ground also contribute.

  2. Jim Iteton sewer Mouth.


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