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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Liberal Judge Who Bundled $200K for Obama Blocks Trump’s Order on Sanctuary Cities

Leftwing federal Judge William Orrick III, who bundled $200,000 for Barack Obama, blocked President Donald Trump’s executive order on sanctuary cities. The President threatened to withhold federal funds from sanctuary cities, a policy that is widely supported by the American public.

Orrick, of the Northern District of California, issued a nationwide injunction against the Trump Administration after the city of San Francisco and county of Santa Clara sued in a refusal to honor federal immigration detainers. The judge raised at least $200,000 for Mr. Obama and donated more than $30,000 to groups supporting him.

The ruling claims the federal government cannot coerce municipalities by threatening to withhold funding, something Mr. Obama threatened to do to states who refused to fund Planned Parenthood. Speaking of the abortionist industry leaders, Judge Orrick also issued a restraining order in 2015 against The Center for Progress after they released undercover videos purporting to show Planned Parenthood employees plotting to sell baby organs.



  1. He should be removed from his post!

  2. Apparently, he never heard of Common Core, since that coerced schools into accepting it by allowing them exemption from the rules for "No Child Left Behind".

  3. As soon as he gathered the first penny, he violated the trust with the citizens!

    He should be impeached and removed from office!

  4. Blood on his hand. If it will not matter to anyone till it hits your home or your family. Then you will cry and ask how this could happen. Wake up and smell what it is happening. (map)

  5. Any Judge that rules by their personnel / political beliefs should be disbarred. They accepted the Judgeship with the understanding they rule by law When they don't they violate their oath. Doctors get sued and lose their license when they administer healthcare to patience which violates their oath. It is called malpractice. What is the difference?

  6. Ruling by political beliefs. Toss this decision and the Judge out, Donald wins by yet another landslide!


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