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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Killers on Delaware’s roadways

DOVER — Drunk drivers are on the road today.

Some might get arrested, many will go undetected.

Impaired motorists are everywhere and that’s dangerous for everyone, sober or not.

Consider one weekend last October: Police made 16 DUI stops in Kent County in three days.

Those arrested came from 10 different towns — Dover, Smyrna, Clayton, Felton, Camden, Frederica, Milford, Millsboro, Magnolia and Kenton.

During a 25-day stretch in late January through mid-February, seven felony drunken drivers (with at least two DUI convictions) were arrested in the area, including two men for the sixth time each.

The wide-ranging suspects resided in Camden, Felton (two), Middletown, Harrington, Clayton and Frederica.

While reported DUIs spike during targeted law enforcement operations, Delaware Office of Highway Safety Director Jana Simpler said, “I don’t have a way to quantify how many impaired drivers are not caught.”

Even one offense is serious, Ms. Simpler said and “has the potential to result in a traffic fatality.”



  1. My son owns 3 Nationwide insurance agencies. He told me that texting and talking on cell phones now contribute to over 53% of all auto accidents.He also stated a great percentage of these accidents result in loss of life an serious injuries.

  2. If they are in Salisbury area, they suck and overcharge customers, especially the one by the old mall.

  3. Alcohol is a drug , in combination with with any drug it is deadly. We are a nation of drugs and alcohol , I think we have dug our own grave.

  4. Damn! Remind me not to drive in Delaware!


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