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Sunday, April 23, 2017

I Just Don't Understand Why Local Media Is Targeting Executive Culver On Fire Department Agreement

Salisbury Mayor Jake Day knew exactly what he was getting into with Wicomico County. In fact, it was the City who came forward under Jim Ireton years ago with a "nuclear option". Jake followed suit with the same kind of threats.

Culver was wise enough to hire an outside firm to audit the very questionable and inflated numbers and came to learn his instincts were absolutely correct.

That being said, Day and Fire Chief Hoppes knew well ahead of time that the County, (based on nuclear threats) would build their Volunteer divisions and use such County funds to do so. 

Now, (all of a sudden) your local media is making it look like Culver screwed the City Volunteers by taking away County funds. What I see is, the local media is already trying to start an anti Culver campaign. God Forbid a fiscally responsible republican be in office. If ANY fingers need to be pointed, they need to be directed at the Boy Mayor who has no business background and screwed his own Volunteers. Fortunately there's Salisbury News to call out the rest of the media and their Fake News.

Don't think for a second, (especially after WBOC's hit piece this morning) that the County isn't giving money to the City, they are. The City is simply getting $30,000.00 less then they had been receiving in years past, negotiated and agreed upon by the Mayor.

Finally, (what your local media also haven't informed you of) the City of Salisbury has until July 1, 2017 to purchase two pump trucks at Station 16 and Station 2 OR they are in violation and they will completely lose their Volunteers in the entire City. 


  1. The city shouldn't get squat as far as I am concerned...

  2. There are 3 firemen from the city in Appleton Wisconsin right now picking up the trucks.

  3. If what you say is true, are the taxpayers aware of the expense of such?

    Interesting how you didn't respond to the rest of my article.

  4. Jake Day is in way over his head and needs to step down immediately.

  5. The County should not be paying for Salisbury's desires and accepting the City's responsibilities. From what I understand about the agreement Culver put everything into perspective and attempted to correct the misappropriations of funds. The County appears to be getting better fire coverage. The City appears to be put into a dilemma by now having to pay for their own expenses including all the paid City fire fighters. Will the Mayor and Hoppes be requesting 11 more paid Salisbury Fire fighters or will this prove the need was / is not there? Thanks to Culver spending is getting under control and accountability is a priority.

  6. The County is paying a pre set fee put together by Day and Hoppes for every fire and ambulance call into the County. Culver hired a company to assess the figures the City had provided and they were way above the actual numbers, go figure.

  7. Station 16 was just dispatched for an "unknown type fire." Truck 1 from way over there on Beaglin Park Drive just answered up. Deputy Chief 1 and Truck 2 answered up.

    Deputy Chief 1 arrived and said "Nothing showing." That was a given. Rarely is an unknown type fire a real fire. If it was a real fire they would have dispatched it as a building fire. Usually in broad daylight multiple people see smoke or fire and call 911. This didn't happen.

    Where was Engine 16? Why did Truck 1 respond from the other side of the city? Why is this free lancing allowed? Why are these paid firemen allowed to pick and choose these calls they self dispatch themselves on? One of these days those clowns on those fire trucks is going to run over someone or kill them in a bad MVC.

  8. This whole mess tells me there is too much money spent in the county and city for "outside audits" when monies are already spent for county and city financials....what the hell are they doing if we constantly need outside experts??? Maybe we should eliminate those positions????

  9. If not for Mr. Culver the spending in this county would be out of control. Trying to explain why the city of Salisbury needs to reign in it's FD spending is like telling a 2 year old why they can't climb out of a 2nd floor window the consequences are obvious to everyone except the 2 year old or the SFD in this case. They have been spending money on buildings, equipment, personnel & we can't forget the fireboat that they couldn't sell for .10 cents on a dollar! It no longer takes an auditor to figure out the city of Salisbury has been flushed down the toilet with the only question remaining is, how long before it takes Wicomico county down with it? Can they really expect income in the city coffers from section 8 housing? 80% of the housing in the city being rentals? Duh!

  10. Wayne Strausburg just announced at the end of his county budget presentation to the county council that they were made aware yesterday that the City of Salisbury was re-organizing the Planning and Zoning Department which is shares with the County. He also said that the City has offered a key member of the P&Z department a position which will leave the County hanging. Now the County is going to have to rebuild/create a separate P&Z Department which is going to cost more money than the County has been spending with the shared Planning and Zoning Department. Sounds like Jake Day is trying to get sh!tty with Executive Culver and Wicomico County.

    It's time for Bob Culver and John Cannon to get some balls and kick the City of Salisbury out of the Wicomico County Council Government Office Building.

  11. Anonymous said...
    There are 3 firemen from the city in Appleton Wisconsin right now picking up the trucks.

    April 18, 2017 at 9:07 AM

    Name names and what are they picking up?

  12. Finally, (what your local media also haven't informed you of) the City of Salisbury has until July 1, 2017 to purchase two pump trucks at Station 16 and Station 2 OR they are in violation and they will completely lose their Volunteers in the entire City.


    Joe, actually they will need to buy 3 Class A fire engines(pumpers) because they are still saying a "Station 1" has volunteers or will have a new volunteer corporation.

    1. They don't own station 1 and they will soon understand that . Station1 is its own corporation. 6 volunteers stayed with the city Oh wow they didn't do any thing for station 1 anyways except 2 of them .

  13. 10:46, Be here tomorrow morning at 9:07 and you'll see what's really going on.

  14. "If ANY fingers need to be pointed, they need to be directed at the Boy Mayor who has no business background and screwed his own Volunteers."

    Joe, don't forget that fingers need to be pointed at Rick Hoppes as well. He was the one working hard to get rid of the volunteers and build a fully paid fire department. Hoppes is building his own empire and needs to be stopped.

  15. Anonymous said...
    If not for Mr. Culver the spending in this county would be out of control. Trying to explain why the city of Salisbury needs to reign in it's FD spending is like telling a 2 year old why they can't climb out of a 2nd floor window the consequences are obvious to everyone except the 2 year old or the SFD in this case. They have been spending money on buildings, equipment, personnel & we can't forget the fireboat that they couldn't sell for .10 cents on a dollar! It no longer takes an auditor to figure out the city of Salisbury has been flushed down the toilet with the only question remaining is, how long before it takes Wicomico county down with it? Can they really expect income in the city coffers from section 8 housing? 80% of the housing in the city being rentals? Duh!

    April 18, 2017 at 10:37 AM

    "80% of the housing in the city being rentals"

    I'm glad someone else realizes that the number of rentals is much higher than the 60% that the city keeps putting out there. I've done my own investigation and I believe it is closer to 95%. Just think about the multiple numbers of apartments, condos and Section 8 Housing. I have a feeling much of those are not being counted.

  16. JoeAlbero said...
    10:46, Be here tomorrow morning at 9:07 and you'll see what's really going on.

    April 18, 2017 at 11:05 AM

    I am waiting with baited breath.

  17. The have an employment ad for a firemen listed on the website and other job boards.
    I do not understand why that is.
    I thought they just hired a boat load that went of the free money state grant.

  18. Anonymous said...
    The have an employment ad for a firemen listed on the website and other job boards.
    I do not understand why that is.
    I thought they just hired a boat load that went of the free money state grant.

    April 18, 2017 at 12:17 PM

    They hired the 12 a couple of years ago and then the 2 year grant ended and those 12 firemen got their pink slips. Ireton did some magic and came up with funding to hire them back.

    Then in the meantime Hoppes and Jake Day continued to eradicate the volunteers in the city by making it difficult for them to respond. Then they had Wicomico 911 stop dispatching them and the duty crew only responded. Who the Hell wants to be a volunteer that plays second fiddle to the paid firemen and then have to clean up after them??

    Then Jake Day and the Dumb Ass city council found "emergency funding" to hire 4 more paid firemen.

    Now I hear the city is going to fund 6 more paid firemen with this upcoming budget.

    It is my understanding that they are applying for 16 more paid firemen through the Federally funded SAFER grant and I think they can't just let them go. I think they have to guarantee to hire them.

    So now the tax payers of Salisbury and Wicomico County are going to have to pay for paid firemen chasing ambulances and false fire alarms all day.

  19. 10:19 the City wanted to document a call and get the County to pay them for a call that they were not needed. Another scam SFD pulls.

  20. I hear station 1 has 5 pending applications from current volunteers at station 2 and 2 applications pending from station 16 current members . These members from what I'm begin told are just waiting to hear that station 1 acquires territory. Way I see this is that's gonna be one packed house all the time. Currently they have 50 plus volunteers and at least 7 pending that says alot Mr Culver. I also hear that every member in there was once a member of Salisbury. Seems to be a past a present problem that will not stop . Pull all county territory out of Salisbury and the smart thing to do is tell the other 2 volunteer stations that they need to become volunteers at station 1 or be a city volunteer. Also I see station 16 Mr black speaking on they won't have money to afford things. I didn't think this was about money. What happen did the tables turn.

  21. Why does SFD send people out to Wisconsin or wherever the fire trucks are made? They must have idiots doing specs and contracts. The delivery should be part of the contract. They can deliver their product cheaper than what Salisbury is paying personnel to go and pickup and return the equipment. They have very poor people doing these contracts and negotiations. The contract should include all service manuals for hydraulics / electrical / air brake lines / mechanical etc. plus any computer programs so they can be worked on locally. These are standard contract conditions to state a few. Also they can piggyback off other states contracts. I know since I have been there and done that so I know what I am stating. Hopefully Culver will institute these types of procedures / SOP's.

    1. You are obviously commenting on a subject that you know nothing about. They are out there doing an inspection to make sure that they are building it to spec. Delivery is included in the price, along with everything else on your list.

  22. Can someone explain what this "Nuclear Option" is?

  23. Station 16 & 2 aren't real volunteers anymore, all they do is supplement the career crews, they aren't alerted for calls and even when they were station 16 was non existent to respond, never there for major incidents. They do not own a class A pumper and never will,the city steals anything they purchase, so they don't meet the requirements to be a recognized volunteer fire dept. So by not meeting the requirements they can't be funded, it is not fair to all the other volunteer fire depts to have to meet a requirement but make special exceptions for Salisbury. Either they own outright their own equipment or they are not a true recognized volunteer fire dept. rules are for everybody.

  24. The Nuclear option was Salisbury fire dept under the mayors order will not respond to any emergency calls outside city limits is their district . Even though most of the equipment was purchased by county tax money it is titled by force to the city. The volunteers told the fire chief they were going to respond to any call in their district in city or in county, they were told they would arrested for unlawful use of city owned equipment, i.e. Fire engines & ambulances. chief Hoppes said he had no choice but to do what his boss ( the mayor ) said. So if the volunteers take county purchased fire engines to answer an alarm in their own county territory the chief by order of the mayor would lock them up. This is the Nuclear Option, then and now, nothing has changed. Ya see it's all about money , not your safety like they have been saying. The truth is coming out now and the city is squrming . Anyone who says different than what has been said here is either on damage control or just a plain lier .


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