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Tuesday, April 04, 2017

How Feminists React To Muslim Vs Conservative Beliefs On Women

What a grand idea!!!! NOT! The Huffington Post decided to “celebrate” Muslim Women’s Day with a hashtag #MuslimWomensDay. It didn’t go quite how they expected.

The funny part is that the recent ‘Day Without Women’ was organized by a Palestinian terrorist who has now been forced to leave the country for lying on her VISA application. She was responsible for the deaths of two Israeli students. Even Washington Examiner reported that the 69-year-old Palestinian activist was convicted in the 1969 supermarket bombing in Israel that killed two Hebrew University students. Another woman who helped organize the Women’s March, Linda Sarsour, was accused of Islamic Terrorist links.

Ironically, the left aligns themselves with Muslims who oppress women, gays and anyone who disagrees with their religion. Now Huffpo is dealing with heaving to learn the reality of the Muslim religion that is definitely NOT supportive of feminism or any women’s rights. Ironically, the right has been the lead of women’s rights for over a hundred years. The suffrage movement was a Republican led movement… but of course the left doesn’t want you to know about that. Check out the hilarity on twitter:



  1. Liberalism is a MENTAL disorder.

  2. Liberalism and Islam both hate the USA. Liberals simply see it as "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". Idiots!!

  3. Semd all these idiot brainwashed snowflakes to IRAN.

  4. A Slave all covered up

    Must be covering up her Bruises !!!

  5. If muslim women are liberated then I think it is about time one of them decides to sit (or squat) in the front row with the men during their prayers on Friday. Try that and see how liberated you are.


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