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Tuesday, April 04, 2017

Homeschool Info Meeting TODAY 6:30pm, Panera, Salisbury

If you are curious about homeschooling and would like to learn more from veteran home schoolers who have educated their children through high school, come to a

Homeschooling Information Meeting

Panera in North Salisbury
Tuesday, April 4th at 6:30pm
If you are a veteran homeschooler wondering about a program that provides accountability, encouragement, support, an integrated curriculum, and community as you homeschool your children, this meeting is for you, too.

Are your young children wiggly learners who respond well to movement, song, visual, tactile, auditory and other multi-sensory modalities? Are you interested in having your children learn how to learn instead of just checking off boxes on a scope and sequence chart? Come and learn more about a fabulous way to train your child's brain to retain information at our Classical Conversations Information Meeting.
Please register using the following link, or email Tammy at challenge1@comcast.net



  1. would love to go, but i have to stay home since my home schooled kid get detention today!

  2. Off topic : Please move Molly's face from the top of your page every time I come here it startles me.

  3. Do you have to teach common core like the rest of the schools? If so, then there is no use in homeschooling...

  4. If I could turn back time I would home school my children.

  5. The problem is that very few parent(s) have enough education to be able to provide a sufficient education beyond basic reading, writing and arithmetic. What happens when it comes time for calculus, chemistry, foreign languages?

  6. You CAN do it! Thousands have.
    Our son homeschooled through high school and turned out great. Curriculum is available that has the lessons in workbooks.. it's almost self-taught.
    And you can get good curriculum with Christian principles and morals so you don't have to worry about the liberal indoctrination that is now built into textbooks.
    Go to the meeting and see what they have to say. At least do that.

  7. You don't need a college degree to Home School. This is a huge myth...Home Schooling is absolutely superior to government/public indoctrination.

  8. 3:30 Where did he get accepted to college/university? pursuing an advanced degree - Law, Dentist, Veternarian, Doctor, CPA? Not that there is anything wrong with just having a HS/GED degree, but very unlikely to ever not be poor.

    7:29 Exactly, so you have a teacher/parent with little education preparing their child for a technical world. Not likely they will be prepared to go far in life.

  9. People are home schooling because Schools are warping kids minds into the liberal way of thinking. Not all teachers are this way, and if you listen to teachers, lower ranks - you may actually have good schools again. Democraps have taken over education, and this is why we struggle on everything.

    Instead of deporting Illegals - deport a democrap.

  10. Homeschooled my children through high school. First six have graduated college. Oldest went to Carnegie Mellon. Four in college right now.


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