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Sunday, April 23, 2017

Hate Crime Charges Dropped Against Baltimore Teens Who Burned Trump Sign

State attorneys have decided not to prosecute two Baltimore-area women on arson and hate crime charges stemming from an incident where they allegedly lit a “Make America Great Again” sign on fire, court officials tell the Daily Dot.

D’Asia R. Perry and Joy M. Shuford, both 19, were arrested in connection to the incident last week. Authorities alleged that the two women “intentionally set the billboard on fire due to political differences with the billboard postings.”

Perry and Shuford were charged with arson and committing a hate crime—but state officials have decided not to prosecute those charges, Somerset County District Court clerks told the Daily Dot.

Officials felt charging the women with a hate crime was warranted because they allegedly burnt it “with discrimination or malice toward a particular group, or someone’s belief,” the Baltimore Sun reported.



  1. Bet your a$$ that if it was a Maxine Waters sign and two white people burned it that it would be hate, race and whatever else they could find and they would never get out of jail.

  2. I knew it. Dan Powell will nol pros the case. That is all he does nol pros or stet doc. It's ridiculous he is still the states attorney. The amount of man hours and tax payers money goes into investigations only to put the criminals back on the streets. Sick. What is the point?

  3. It's in the grey area of a hate crime, targeting a person and a group for their political beliefs.

  4. That's right - just keep rewarding the criminals, while law biding citizens suffer.


  5. make them do community service. maybe cleaning the fire-station or repainting fire hydrants or raking up dry debris to prevent more signs from catching fire.
    It should not go unpunished because it was a deliberate act.
    If white kids did that to an Obama sign, what would have happened???

  6. States Attorney office better not drop the ball on this one!

  7. The will get off easy bc there black FACT.

  8. these 2 clowns should see some jail time.

  9. its racist that they didnt get charged --if it were burned Obummer signs by Caucasian it would be a hate crime

  10. So what does this mean, that they walk free or have they been charged with something else? If I were Mr Wink I would sure want them charged with some kind of crime.

  11. Hope they are prosecuted to the hilt on the other charges including arson.

  12. Its still arson, they started an intentional fire on someones property, and caused damage. plain and simple that could have been worse. They need to be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law!

  13. If they had been white girls and burned an obama or hillary sign what would happen. Just asking.

  14. Leave the damned sign down! The election is OVER. I read last night that in Dallas, you're fined if your campaign signs aren't taken down the day after the election.

  15. Danny Powell you are a Dumb A$$ COWARD!

    You will be voted out of office in 2018!! Guaranteed!

  16. lib judges will do NOTHING.

    1. Its the WICOMICO prosecutors.

  17. UMES students.

    It's amazing how that place can make things disappear. Somebody talked to somebody in Annapolis.

    Nobody wants to make UMES look bad, no matter what happens.

  18. The irony here is that these two are probably getting a free education at the expense of hard working tax paying citizens.

  19. hey there 9:47 and 1:06, not a nice way to talk about the new judge!

  20. Dan Powell is, and always has been worthless. Just as is the case with Ronnie Howard, they both have the Somerset County voters fooled. In any other county neither one of them would hold the offices they do.


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