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Thursday, April 20, 2017

GOP Senator Gets Rich Blocking Obamacare Repeals

Here's why globalists inside GOP won't roll back Obamacare

Tennessee Republican Sen. Bob Corker, an avowed enemy of the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac shareholders seeking to end the Obama administration Net Worth Sweep, has built a personal fortune of approximately $50 million since being elected to the Senate in 2006.

But Corker has been anything but forthcoming in accurately disclosing the true amount of his wealth, or making it clear to the public the methods he used to accumulate it.

Consider the many different estimates of Corker’s wealth in the public record since he was elected to the U.S. Senate.



  1. Obama Crooked BastardoApril 20, 2017 at 1:06 PM

    Slimey Crooks are on both sides of the aisle. Lets Drain the Swamp one by one and Make America Great Again!

  2. Like I have always stated Politians are nothing but crooks and do not abide by the laws we have to.

  3. yes! lets drain the swamp and lets start at the top...Then America can be Great Again


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