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Wednesday, April 12, 2017

GOP Leaders Dropping Border Wall Funds, Says Report

Federal funding for one of President Donald Trump’s premier policy proposals may be excluded from the House GOP’s budget for Fiscal Year 2017-2018.

House Democrats, along with a few House Republicans, are working around-the-clock to make sure funding for the estimated $12 billion border wall is not factored into the GOP budget, according to a report by The Hill.

“With Democrats united against new wall funding, it’s unlikely the Republicans have the votes to get it through and prevent a government shutdown,” The Hill report stated.

House Speaker Paul Ryan, in a statement to The Hill, seemed to concede that border wall funding would not be included in the GOP budget, saying the funds would come at a later date.

Rep. Will Hurd (R-TX) and Rep. Martha McSally (R-AZ) are the two Republican lawmakers teaming with Democrats to stop the funding of the border wall, despite both representing districts that share a border with Mexico.

“We recognize the need for robust border security and infrastructure to ensure public safety and increase cross border commerce,” Hurd and McSally wrote to the Trump administration in a letter, according to The Hill. “We also have an obligation to be good stewards of taxpayer dollars.”

Establishment Republicans in the Senate, like Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), are also teaming with Democrats to stop the border wall, with McCain worrying more about the sentiment that Mexicans have towards America.



  1. Rep. Will Hurd (R-TX) and Rep. Martha McSally (R-AZ) are the two Republican lawmakers teaming with Democrats to stop the funding of the border wall

    I consider those 2 traitors^^^^. How the Hell can they do that to the citizens of their states.

  2. This lack of unity within the Republican party will cost them in the mid-term elections!

    They promised...give us the house, give us the senate, and give us the presidency and we'll fix it. The only one that is doing what they promised is the president - not bought by special interest groups!

    Term Limits is the only solution - no more career politicians!

  3. I finally heard Eric Bolling on The Five yesterday, say what I have been saying before the good president was elected. The damn wall will be paid by the Mexicans, by keeping them home so that we don't support the bums.

  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    This lack of unity within the Republican party will cost them in the mid-term elections!

    They promised...give us the house, give us the senate, and give us the presidency and we'll fix it. The only one that is doing what they promised is the president - not bought by special interest groups!

    Term Limits is the only solution - no more career politicians!

    April 12, 2017 at 9:33 PM

    I am getting sick and f*kng tired of hearing Term Limits is the only solution. We already have term limits, they are called elections. As an elected official you are limited to one term and then you need to get re-elected. If and only if the voters don't want you, you will not get elected. Just because you want to get rid of idiots like Maxine Waters or Nancy Pelosi you want to make it difficult for good politicians to stay in office and do good things. Quit being a jerk all your life and go work for someones campaign to get them elected or the person you hate not elected. That is all it takes.

  5. RINOs probably being payed by the cartels.

  6. 11:29 - if we had term limits, the politicians could not bribe the voters in to reelecting them with ongoing welfare, food stamps, and section 8 housing! You need to understand some of the unintended consequences those slimey politicians rely on - look specifically at the ones that reelect them!

  7. They said "good stewards of taxpayer dollars" with a straight face.
    They forgot we are 21 TRILLION dollars in debt becasue of their stewardship so far?
    MY God.
    They ARE that stupid.
    Our leaders. The cream of the crop.


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