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Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Gay Group Tries To Ban Speaker For Questioning If Trans Women Are 'Real' Women

A gay group at Oxford University unsuccessfully tried to ban a British commentator from their campus, because she once questioned whether a man who transitions to a woman is a “real” woman.

The school’s LGBTQ Society tried to prevent Jenni Murray, the presenter of BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour, from delivering a Sunday talk at the Oxford Literary Festival, reports The Daily Mail. The society circulated a petition that called for Murray to be condemned or removed from the event because of her comments on transgender women they deemed offensive.

Murray suggested that transgender women are not the same as women in a piece she was criticized for in March. Her article, “Be trans, be proud — but don’t call yourself a ‘real woman’,” questioned whether men who transitioned to women could really understand what it means to be a woman.

“India held firmly to her belief that she was a ‘real woman,’ ignoring the fact that she had spent all of her life before her transition enjoying the privileged position in our society generally accorded to a man,” Murray wrote.



  1. Don't believe this is real high on the world priority listing, nope don't believe so! Not denying, please keep trying!

    Signed - the Hungry and Impoverished who have been here forever!

  2. They are all sick, no matter which side they are on.

    You can bet these people are all DemonRAT Liberals, too, intent on destroying this country with their perverted practices! This is one more Reason we must Support President Trump and the Republican Party as they fight against this kind of sickness.

  3. A man who transitions to a woman is a "real" freak.

  4. Science determines who is a "real" woman. It is a biological woman. The is no other definition.

  5. gay people never speak of people coming out as straight.

  6. Of course they're not real women. They're artificially created woman substitutes, minus a few of the important woman parts, like ovaries.


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