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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Garland terror victim to FBI: Did you sit on your hands while I got shot?

A man shot in the leg during a 2015 terrorist attack is pushing the FBI to explain why one of its agents was at the scene and did nothing, and if the agent was filming the incident for the terrorists as part of his undercover work of trying to infiltrate the group.

Bruce Joiner was working security for the controversial "Draw Muhammad" event in Garland, Texas, when two radical Islamic extremists, Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi, pulled up to the parking lot checkpoint where he was stationed. The two opened fire at the checkpoint.

Simpson and Soofi were wearing body armor and had arrived at the event in a car stocked with firearms and hundreds of rounds of ammunition. But because the "Draw Muhammad" event was so controversial, it was also well-guarded.



  1. Salisbury needs to host one of these, :Draw Muhammad" events, especially since our city is so safe and has no crime.

  2. Of course they let it happen on purpose... Just like the Boston bombing... That was a false flag as well...

    there are only a few options as to why these things happen, and it is no coincidence that some agency is their or watching or tracking someone... They either let it happen, made it happen for a false flag event, or they knew something bad would happen, so they called it training exercise and then it went live as the individual or the people involves started the acts... Like the Boston Bombings... They were working for the FBI, they were saying it was a training exercise yet, bad things happened... It is only 1 of those 3 options for the reason behind it...

    I would put my up my paycheck for life, and say it was allowed to happen by these agency or a false flag, which some might conciser both to be false flags... The govt thinks you people are so stupid you won't look at facts, and in most cases they are right, you won't and you are stupid!!! Just like with the VA reporter shooting, if you couldn't see the fake facts, you are more dumb than dirt!!!!!!!


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