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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Forget the critics, Mr. President. Your first 100 days have been just fine.

Despite the best efforts of the White House “PR apparatus” to sell the president’s first 100 days as a success, the New York Times declared in aneditorial, the new administration has, in fact, been plagued by “many missteps” including a “bungled sales job” on his first major legislative initiative and a “snakebit” confirmation process, all of which have produced “a flurry of articles bemoaning the lack of focus in the White House.” The first 100 days, the Times declared, is a period the president “might prefer to forget.”

The president in question is not Donald Trump. This is how, in April 1993, the Times described the first 100 days of Bill Clinton’s presidency. But not to worry, the Times reassured its readers: “It’s still early, and a hundred days don’t really mean very much.”

The Times is right: The first 100 days really don’t mean very much at all.



  1. If the liberals still hate you and the MSM never has anything good to say then you mr president are doing a terrific job keep up the good work.

  2. Amen I agree he is doing a splendid job but we did not get into the mess we are in over night and all issues will be tackled. Prayer and support him each of us can do this.

  3. Absolutely agree. I heard somewhere recently, "how would you have liked being judged on your first 100 days as a parent?" The first 100 is total BS. However, I am very happy with the direction we are going. And, to the dems and MSM - we have 7 plus years left so buy some stock in Kleenex.

  4. President Trumps greatest accomplishment is that he prevented Hillary Clinton from becoming President. That is a major win and no one can take that away from him.

  5. I agree with all above post and more. More to come, thank you Mr. President. Happy that you are my POTUS

  6. This was done on purpose by Obastard he planted all liberal scum judges to obstruct any Republican that became president and trump is seeing it now ....something has to be done.

  7. President Trump has done more in his first 100 days to fulfill his campaign promises than any other president in history. Most of them purposely forget what they promised after the election is over. you can't do everything in only three months. But if this is any indication Trump will be the best president in history. He has gone right down his list of promises and tried to implement them. Only he is stopped by the liberal Democrats on anything he tries to do. With all the opposition of the Democrats I think his is doing a great job and things are getting done. Just not as quickly as he had thought because the Dems are trying to block anything and everything he is doing. So I say support your President and watch this country turn around and start going in the right direction for a change.

  8. I love Trump BUT there are to many failures happening they need to think real hard and make sure they pass everything trump wants bc there are too many left wing liberals fools looking to embaress and destroy trump just like fox news is turning into cnn.

    1. Give me a list of Trumps failures that are sperate from democrats purposely blocking him? I don't no of any and I'm asking you seriously because I want to no!?

  9. actually his stalled agenda won't get any traction with the liberal pos rino ryan as house leader. if he's gonna drain the swamp he needs to remove the biggest clog in the drain!

  10. 7:57 it would help if Ryan would get his act together

    1. He is also looking to destroy Trump i never will forget what he said against Trump ryan is a backstabbimg pos.

  11. Right on, 7:57. When will all of the Left Wing Liberals who Hate this Country and This President just leave so We Can Have the Good Old Days of America back? These people are traitorous. They disgust me.


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