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Monday, April 10, 2017

Five bills covered earlier died in committee: online sales tax, overtime pay, corporate filing fee

By Daniel Menefee
For MarylandReporter.com

Many bills get a hearing, and maybe some discussion in committee, but not much more, dying a silent death with little notice.

Here are some of those bills whose hearings MarylandReporter.com covered, but were never heard from afterward. All but one never got a vote in committee.

HB1213/SB855, Online sales tax fails: A proposed online sales tax failed to move after committee hearings in the House and Senate on March 8. Passage of the Main Street Fairness Act of 2017 would have required sellers without a physical presence in Maryland to collect the state’s 6% sales tax from Marylanders buying on. Under current law only online sellers with a physical presence in Maryland must collect the 6% sales tax.


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