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Sunday, April 16, 2017

Fire Service Agreement between City Of Salisbury and Wicomico County April 2017


  1. The silence here is deafening.

  2. Funny how Tri Townsend president of station 16 was telling everyone how it was all about the public safety, now he is crying over the fire service agreement that the city wanted. But the funding now goes straight to the city, not through the station 16 volunteers. Now it's not a good deal, and why are they defunding us. They aren't, it's just going directly to the city, so you have nothing to do with it. I have been telling you it was all about MONEY NOT PUBLIC SAFETY again I was right. Hey Tri, it's done, you didn't get your way. Stop crying and whining. Like you said to station 1. Just show up and do your job and stop whining. The Chief is in charge, if you don't like it go do something else. You and your group told the public you weren't concerned about the money, it was serving the public. Well the city will still get its funding, just you will have nothing to do with it, so why so serious. Why the crying and moaning you can still serve. You see John Q Citizen it was all about the money !

  3. Most of the original commenters on last week's postings cannot comprehend the agreement. It is much easier for them to repeat
    and add to spoken gossip they hear others make up, Now that they are faced with the written agreement they have not a clue what it all means.

  4. Let me see if I fully understand this: My county tax dollars are going to be used to pay the City of Salisbury Fire Departments to cover their own Fire District. Yes, I understand some of their Fire District is outside the corporate limits of the city, but I have an easy solution to this. Redefine the City of Salisbury's Fire District to only include the corporate limit of the city & then use my tax dollars to fund the Volunteer Fire Companies in my county. Problem solved.

  5. 5:51
    I agree! I pay the same amount of taxes they do yet don't have paid 24 hours fire/ems coverage. If you are paying city taxes that money should go to paying for the Salisbury Fire Department. If you live in the County that should be covered by the volunteers. Enough with the special treatment.

  6. Anonymous said...
    Let me see if I fully understand this: My county tax dollars are going to be used to pay the City of Salisbury Fire Departments to cover their own Fire District. Yes, I understand some of their Fire District is outside the corporate limits of the city, but I have an easy solution to this. Redefine the City of Salisbury's Fire District to only include the corporate limit of the city & then use my tax dollars to fund the Volunteer Fire Companies in my county. Problem solved.

    April 10, 2017 at 5:51 PM

    Exactly! What another screw up by that idiot!

  7. Bob Culver has screwed up this "fire service agreement" for the next county executive and county council. A 5 year agreement is way to long. It should be year to year.

    Bob Culver is in way over his head. I hope someone has that scorecard up to date for his re-election.

  8. Good agreement, fair for all. Bob's got my vote.

  9. Boy its get worse here every year.. I CANNOT LEAVE THIS STATE FAST ENOUGH. more taxation without representation!!!

  10. Have the county chiefs association agreed to this arrangement, cause they do the districts so if they don't agree it's back to scratch .

  11. So is there going to be a paid fire crew at ALL county stations ? If my county money is going to pay for the city fire dept to have a24-7 paid fire crew then every station in the county better damn sure have one. The city needs no funding from the county to buy thier frivolous toys, while county stations have to do bingo just to put fuel in the fire engines. Keep the city fire dept IN THE CITY and let the county stations handle out if city limits. Salisbury stops at the city/ county line.

  12. Station 1 volunteers won't shouldn't need to buy any equipment, the city needs to return all the equipment they stole from the volunteers.

  13. 5:03 You were correct, these people at station 16, Tri Townsend, guy named Black, and Records, I guess public safety takes a back seat to money and thier control of it. And they had the nerve and gall to bust in station 1 volunteers. What a bunch of worthless liars . It was okay when it was not thier station getting screwed, but it came back at them now they are crybabies all the sudden. Wow talk about karma .

  14. The city is also in the county! City residents also pay county taxes! The SFD is funded by the taxes that city residents pay to the county also. Do you all not realize this concept??

  15. 9:19
    Seems you don't understand. County residents do not have 24 hours paid fire crews. The City does. How do they justify giving only part of the county residents 24 hour paid crews and not the rest.

    1. City charter dictates that there will be 24 hour coverage in the city. Now I agree with you that there should be more coverage in the county. What we pay in taxes, there certainly should be a better system. There are 2 parties holding that up, county chiefs and county politicians. We the citizens of the county need to be pushing for this. You cannot be upset with the fact that the city has 24 hour coverage.

  16. 9:19am The city contributes ZERO dollars to education. The county provides for all for the Detention Center, 911 Dispatch Center, Recs and Parks, Tourism, the courts & etc., etc., What say you now?

    1. Yes they do. City residents pay county taxes also. That money goes to everything you just said. You people have no clue. What is hard to understand, city residents pay city and county taxes!!!

    2. Wrong... How is this paid for? Taxes? City residents pay county taxes at the same rate as every other citizen. So people in the City pay their fair share for all county privided service.

  17. If the City charter mandates 24 hour paid coverage then the City residents should be paying for it.

  18. Darrin Scott keep playing you drunk. You and Bryan best back off .

  19. Darrin Scott causing issues with County volunteers. Wrong whole to dig Darrin.

  20. There going to eat this agreement .Take the county territory from the city . Now Bob Culver and grow a set .

  21. Theses career guys just won't quit stirring it up. They are going to get a rude awakening if they yep it up ! No one scared so any of them, keep it up.

  22. City is pushing Bob Culver and the county council like they own them. Get some backbone county council. Looking like punks.

  23. I sure see a lot of comments from the butt hurt Independent Company #1 on this blog. Chuck, Eric, Justin, David, Cory hang it up. You're done!!! Culver went on record saying he was going to offer you the airport and that a new fire station will not be going at 800 Snow Hill Rd. You have no more straws to grasp. Yet about 10 hours ago you post on FB how you bought a "new" second run medic unit. How about you guys disclose those financials? Why won't you? Because I'd bet it would show you've been pocketing county and state funds to help build the coffers to fund this split. Well guess what boys, I know of a firm whom has contacted the IRS in regards to your refusal to honor a FIA request to review your books. Can we say AUDIT!!!! Better get those receipt books out its gonna be a bumpy ride. And I can't believe you call that band of merry misfits "qualified" personnel. You have nothing but a bunch of rejects who couldn't make true percentage at the SFD or were separated from the department for "personnel matters". You have no territory, no firehouse, and are still spending my tax dollars. You guys need to wave the white flag, or fly it from the airport. Either way you failed.

    1. Your a idiot they have already been audited. Priceless and guess what nothing was found wrong or hidden.

  24. They have had there audit.

  25. 12:04, better check your own books Tri Townsend , audit is coming your way the federal government will be contacting you soon. Talk about financial accountability, no one has stolen any money under the table at station one, station 16 can't say that. Station one is audited every year by an independent firm, we have absolutely nothing to hide. All this hostility just because you spent federal monies irresponsibly. The low life tactics you are trying is futile. It WILL come back to bite you in your rear end. You and your boys keep it up as it is amusing. Wave the white flag. Hahaha, you will never see that pal.

    1. Get audited every year yet they were a forfeited corporation for a few years a little while back. And we're also forfeited again last October until just a few weeks ago. You can't be tax exempt through the IRS without being a "corporation". So all of their funds were subject to income taxes during those years. So by submitting tax exempt forms during those years they committed tax fraud. That is the audit that is about to hit them. So stand by. And no I'm not Tri. I was a corporate member during their first "forfeited" period. Shady things were happening.

      So answer me this Chuck, where are guys going to take your engine and ambulance when no territory was allocated to you? I'll wait, shall I hold your flag?

  26. 12:04 And I went and read the artical on the FB pages I don't see the word " NEW " anywhere in that post. You see folks the games these boys are playing. Child games, grow up Tri,

  27. No we will hold yours, cause you are clueless and thus isn't Chuck, he was here when I joined. Nice try,Billy.

  28. Station 16 and the city fd better have their books right, Feds coming after you, misappropriated funding. For a fact it has happened. You will be getting a FIA request for your financials also. Count on it.

  29. Palidore just won't take no for an answer will he! Wake up bud it's over and you lost the game. Thank god the troublesome ones are finally gone and did it to themselves. So moving on.

  30. Honestly I gave Chuck more credit than being involved in such a mess. Eric & Justin that's no surprise them silly boys are dumb as rocks. Cory now that's one IDIOT who is hated by all I mean everybody hates him. Then they go out and purchase a 22yo ambulance and a 25yo fire engine both of which have huge maintenance issues. Boys didn't do your homework did ya? Kinda like going to Wal-Mart buying the first thing you see not real smart. I've always been told there's a sucker born everyday and I believe it.

  31. 6:21 do you really think the City of Salisbury misappropriated funds? I highly doubt it but then again it's not your money like you punks think it is. It belongs to the taxpayer and you people are supposed to spend it responsibly to fund the fire service which you have not.

    1. Yes they did make the volunteer corporations misappropriate federal funds under the threat of pulling their charter multiple times. Don't worry the facts will be out soon enough.

  32. Bob Culver grow a set get rid of city

  33. How dose the city of Salisbury take over the delmarva shorebirds firework display . It was a private contract with the independent fire company. It's a county owned building as well . Bob your a one term guy . You have done nothing but allow them volunteers get walked over and you have not supported them like you should . Also you gave into the city . At least Rick was going to let them pull the nuclear option instead of giving more money .

  34. Tri gets telemarketers phone calls because karma was a bit** after he done it to others phones and now wants to call the police aww poor baby you have always been a cry baby. Hey tri nothing will happen over it been there done that little kid . But best belive we have the proof you did it tho. File what you want I'll help whom ever. Oh and tri it's time to expose you with your thefts from 16 and was covered up. Also no body agreed what Kenny did you and Mark cotter hid everything and did what you want with the account . Funny how just two of you were on it and you refused to make it one from each corporation and Lee Smith supported you . Wanna talk about theft tri tell every body how you kept your business floating and once it was able to make it you stopped begin the treasure of 16 . Oh and don't let that Billy Lewis be treasure either. Billy yep station 1 had a vending machine and Mr. Lewis never deposited anything . Billy stole alot to . Wrote a check to him self for 7000.00 for electrical work in the annex building out back of station 1 on beaglin park drive. Hey Billy how much work did you do in there . Shall I expose you anymore .

  35. Why would Billy be doing work in the annex building. The city has electricians.


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