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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

DHS to open office for victims of crimes by illegal immigrants

Homeland Security on Wednesday will officially open its office to assist victims of crimes committed by illegal immigrants, making good on a promise President Trump made during the campaign.

Mr. Trump has identified victims of illegal immigrant crime as a forgotten population in the immigration debate and has given parents whose children were killed by illegal immigrants an unprecedented platform to make their case for stiffer enforcement.

Democrats counter with exampled of high-performing illegal immigrants, and say creating a special office could give Americans an inflated sense of the criminal threat from illegal immigrants.

The new office is dubbed Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement or VOICE.



  1. Hopefully the trooper was not a victim of this problem

  2. It's about time. Thank you

  3. Long, long overdue.

  4. Imagine that helping American victims. Never would have seen this if hillary was elected. Thank you mr president.


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