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Thursday, April 06, 2017

Dems. Block Cloture Motion to Allow vote on Gorsuch -- Nuke Option Done!

The "father of judicial filibuster" Schumer and his fellow Democrats (with a few exceptions) voted against cloture, so the motion failed (55-45) to get the necessary 60 votes under the Senate's current rules. In a little while, the motion will be made to change the rule so that only a majority is needed.

All 6 Dem. senators from Delaware, Maryland and Virginia voted against cloture -- thus to allow a filibuster under the current rules.

The vote was taken twice, the second on a motion to reconsider the cloture motion.

Schumer tried to delay further proceeding until April 24, but that was voted down. Then he tried a couple more delay tactics that did not work (voted down). And then the 60 vote rule was scrapped.

Standby for base surge and heavy fallout -- we're going nuclear now by a 52-48 vote!!


  1. The left has caused this to happen.
    This way they can say he is illegitimate like Trump
    Sorry for their loss

  2. Lets see how they turn and run when they are up for reelection. (map)

  3. Remember this when those Democrat senators are up for re-election. Gorsuch is more qualified to be a Supreme Court Justice than a majority of those now serving. This is partisan politics and we voted Trump in to end this biased politics to get something done in DC. Time to completely drain the swamp!

  4. Good!!! Jam it down their throats!!! Reid started this.

  5. Thank you Mr. Schumer for wasting a lot of people's time.

  6. It looks like my emails to Van Hollen and Cardin didn't have the desired effect with their votes. Too bad ---- for them.

  7. What goes around,comes around. Huh Harry Reid.

  8. Can wait til already-dead Ginsberg steps down. Trump has the potential to change our country for the better for decades to come.
    The moral decay might finally stop. California outlaws steers (farts) but promotes queers. Bathroom signs need to be redone. Cops are now badguys. You can wear vulgar things in public or walk around in your underwear. The media lies to us several times a day. The list goes on.
    We need to take our country back!

  9. Cardin and Van Hollen are each a POS.

  10. Glad to see Republicans have the "B___s to go through with what Reid started. Now the other Republicans need to follow suit and quit screwing around and conduct business that they were elected to do. Ryan you need to take heed.

  11. The nuke option will be used against the GOP in the future. The rule change means they will only need a majority vote as well. Be careful what you wish for.

    1. I agree, no party stays in power forever. The tide can turn in the years to come. No one know what our future is.


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