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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Democrats in Disarray Over Abortion

The Democratic Party is in disarray over the issue of abortion. In recent days, top party officials have made contradictory claims on whether they accept Americans into their ranks who are pro-life.

The split among Democrats came after Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) and Rep. Keith Ellison (D., Minn.), deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee, endorsed Heath Mello, the pro-life Democratic candidate for mayor of Omaha, Nebraska.

Pro-choice groups denounced Mello because eight years ago he voted for legislation requiring doctors to inform their patients they had the right to a fetal ultrasound before an abortion. The National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League released a statement calling Sanders' endorsement of Mello a "betrayal of women," and the liberal site Daily Kos withdrew its endorsement of Mello.



  1. The evil satanic cult known as the Democratic party will not stand for this!! kill all babies now!!that's their motto!! too bad their mothers didn't practice what they preach

  2. They are idiots, therefore they cannot make a decision. Rather they just shout "squirrel" or "racist" or Mysog... homophobe.. AD NAUSEUM until the PEOPLE WHO MAKE SENSE" just shake their heads and go away, not wanting to engage idiots without brains.

    It's getting to the point where I wonder why in a purported "educated society", "universities" cannot think mathematically nor logically.

    Engaging in a debate based on fact and logic is answered with riots, glass breaking and car burning. Free speech is feared among them. The most "educated" are in the most fear and panic in this country all as a result of being clueless of our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

    Amazing a college student has no knowledge of a 25 page pocket version of our country's laws.

  3. Liberals love black lives matter just not babies.


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