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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Democrat Big Wigs To Pro-Life Democrats: Get In Line Or Get Out

Abortion on Demand with no restrictions has long been the holy grail of the Democratic Party. No issue is bigger or more important for them. Everything returns to abortion. And most of the big shots have a message for pro-life Democrats

(Daily Caller) The 28 percent of Democrats who oppose abortion have no place in the Democratic party, according to two of the party’s leading figures.

Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin echoed party chair Tom Perez Sunday in saying that there is no room in the party for dissent on the abortion issue.

“I am committed to women’s rights under the law, reproductive rights certainly, and our party is [committed],” Durbin said in an appearance on CNN. “We’ve made that part of our platform and position for a long, long time. I know within the ranks of the Democratic Party there are those who see that differently on a personal basis, but when it comes to the policy position, I think we need to be clear and unequivocal.”

Those who personally believe abortion is wrong can be allowed in the party, Durbin added, “as long as they are prepared to back the law, Roe versus Wade, prepared to back women’s rights as we’ve defined them under the law.” That is: all members of the Democratic party are expected to publicly support abortion, regardless of what they personally believe.

I wonder if this would have applied to Senator Harry Reid who, for most of his career, was pro-life, thought Roe v Wade should be overturned, and generally refused to support abortion except in cases of incest, rape, or when the mother’s life was in danger.



  1. Demon satanic cult i.e democratic party..to bad their mothers did not practice what they preach

  2. By God, I'm glad that I left that party.

  3. We'll welcome the pro life 'former' dumbocrats!


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