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Friday, April 07, 2017

Cutting White Marlin Prize Not Worth Savings

Of all the cost cutting moves that could come with the micro-managing review that is budget season in Ocean City, it’s startling that the Mayor and Council would see fit to cut $5,000 for the first white marlin release prize of the season.

The council will have the opportunity next week during budget wrap-up sessions to revisit this move, and we encourage the town’s elected officials to keep this pittance in town budget terms.

Within hours of the story being posted online by this newspaper yesterday, a coalition was formed among private businesses to keep the $5,000 prize in play should the town proceed on its current course.

The partnership is called Fishermen United of Ocean City and consists of the Bank of Ocean City, Coastal Fisherman newspaper, Sunset Marina, Bahia Marina, Ocean City Fishing Center and Atlantic Tackle. This group of businesses — each with historic and present ties to the fishing industry — is outraged over the decision, which is perceived as a slight to the local fishing industry.



  1. Its a bite the hand that feeds you kinda thing. Take away something from those who stuff your yearly bank account/generate revenue (vacationers, waterman, etc).

    $5K is small but its the principle. The immediate outcry just shows you that!

    Hmmm...hey council, why not cost cut that median wall YOU want to build down coastal highway. We're talking millions here that could be used elsewhere and would not impede your cash cow (vacationers, waterman, etc.).

    And please, zip it about the need for the wall to safeguard your vacationers. If you wouldn't have a bar practically on every street corner, that need would NOT be required. Come to think of it, what do people do with walls that could be in their way...oh lets say after drinking several alcoholic beverages? They climb over it, crash through it (don't laugh - it happens) or they would run down the road to the next available crossing.

    A game of drunken FROGGER I envision.

    $5K savings verses MILLIONS in savings...Hmmmm..... what is more important here???

  2. Money should be on more important things for the benefit of everyone. This is sad.

    MyCAA scholarship

  3. Why not simply cut the compensation packages of the electorate by $5,000?

    Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

  4. Mayor and council want to talk about everything. They need to focus on the important things first, finish those then more on to next important thing. All their doing now is discuss, delay, discuss some more, delay, discuss and then cram to get in done for extra $$$$$. Examples:
    Bus Cameras
    Median fence
    Towed car lot
    Boardwalk tram lot
    Future Rt 50 bridge

  5. I think cutting out a $5,000 prize that will attract 100 fishermen from across the USA all with waaaay more than $5,000 in their pockets to spend is a bad Idea, but hey, Y'all go ahead...

  6. $5,000 isn't even a day's worth of parking revenue. What's the big deal?

  7. Principle 2pm..Principle. City Crowncil, I have an idea for ye's!

    Do away with the median wall AND the study/survey - take that money (which would have been wasted) and apply it to your $2M-$4M tram projected overhaul. Need the trams right??? Don't need a stupid median wall that will only cause more harm than good!!! And tell old GUY GUY everyone sue's for everything these days. Build a median wall and someone will sue that the way caused XXXXXXX to happen.


  8. Quit voting in these greedy loony liberal democrat crooks!!

  9. "a coalition was formed among private businesses to keep the $5,000 prize in play should the town proceed on its current course"

    As it should be. Taxpayers should not be footing the bill. Businesses that cash in on the event can easily put the money in to support THEIR cause.

  10. Ocean City is the 2nd highest tax revenue base for the state of Maryland the first being income tax. That being said I do believe that the businesses are shelling out a good bit of money without having to foot something that they pay for to begin with. Ocean City "THE WHITE MARLIN CAPITAL OF THE WORLD" DUH


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