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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Couple gives away piano. Then $600K in gold coins found in it. The couple’s reaction is priceless.

Meg and Graham Hemmings picked up a old piano from a second-hand dealer and plunked it down in their English home for three decades so their four children could play it.

Graham Hemmings, 72, told The Guardian it soon became an “item of furniture.” Then after their retirement the couple donated the piano to Bishop’s Castle Community College in Shropshire, England, Essex Live reported.

About four months ago, 61-year-old piano tuner Martin Backhouse was working on the instrument when he noticed objects inside that he first mistook for moth repellent, theTelegraph said.

Good thing he took a closer peek — because Backhouse proceeded to pull out eight cloth packages containing over 900 gold coins dating between 1847 and 1914. Their total value today? Over $600,000.


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