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Friday, April 07, 2017

Congressman Andy Harris Responds to U.S. Strike Against Syria

WASHINGTON, DC: On April 7, Congressman Andy Harris (MD-01) released the following statement on the U.S. missile strike against Syria:

“I fully support President Trump’s decision to strike the Syrian air force base from which a deadly chemical weapons attack was launched earlier this week. Last night, the President showed our adversaries that he is ready to reestablish American leadership in the Middle East and on the global stage. Assad’s use of chemical weapons on civilians is a violent breach of several international agreements and a threat to American national security, and cannot be tolerated.”


  1. I have voted for Andy Harris each time that he has run for office and normally agree with him, but not on this. Once again the US government plays police for the world where they have no business doing so. There are numerous unsolved problems here in the US that need more attention.

  2. Right but now Putin will escalate the situation. And how do we resolve this situation with massive tensions between Russia and the USA?

    USA lifts sanctions on Russia and Russia leans on Assaad to remove him from the picture. Both Presidents look like they've averted nuclear war.


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