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Friday, April 21, 2017

BREAKING: Obama CIA Director Colluded With Foreign Spies AGAINST Trump!

Reports indicate that if anyone was teaming up with foreign governments to influence the results of the 2016 Presidential election, it was Hillary Clinton. Worse yet is the fact that she appears to have used John Brennan to do it, as he was trying to stay on as CIA director under her “inevitable” Presidency.

This is definitely something that the Trump White House should be investigating, because it might reveal a deeper level of spying on the then-Republican Presidential Candidate than even the most skeptical of supporters could have anticipated.

The GHCQ is told to have contacted America after discovering that some within the Trump campaign team had allegedly had contact with Russian intelligence operatives. According to a source close to the UK intelligence community, this information was collected and traded with the United States as part of a “routine exchange of information.”



  1. So why isnt he in prison ?

  2. Arrest him i am fed up with this BS nobody gets Arrested Including SHARPTON


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