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Monday, April 03, 2017

Breaking News: Senate Democrats now have the votes to filibuster Neil Gorsuch, but the G.O.P. can change the rules to confirm him to the Supreme Court

Senate Democrats on Monday appeared to secure the votes necessary to filibuster the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Neil M. Gorsuch, sending the body hurtling toward a bitter partisan confrontation later this week.

With an announcement from Senator Christopher Coons, Democrat of Delaware, during the Senate Judiciary Committee’s hearing to vote on Judge Gorsuch’s nomination, Democrats had found their 41st vote in support of a filibuster.


  1. Our government is so f'd up! Let's go to a single party system: The AMERICAN PARTY - You're either for America and its citizens' success, or you're not.
    United we stand, divided we fall. This party fighting has got to stop. They are getting noting done!
    it's like watching a bad divorce where only the attorneys win an everyone else loses.

  2. With the response Sen Coons from Delaware, I'm not proud to admit I live there. Coons at best might be able sell used cars but him calling Gorsuch a great Jurist takes the cake.


  3. Lil' Chris got his marching orders. He's a fine little toadie and citizens of Delaware should be so very proud. /s

  4. Just use the nuke and that way we don't have to have worthless hearings when the next Judge needs to be considered and then that will put conservative views up 6-3 or even 7-2. Thank You Harry Reid.

  5. 3:02

    What exactly is you issue with Gorsuch?

  6. senate better change the rules and Gorsich better be voted in. period

  7. It's just the Democrats they will try to vote down anything Trump tries to do. Only because they are bitter because they lost the election. You cannot find a more qualified person than Gorsuch.

  8. Well, dammit! Quit futzing about & confirm him.


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