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Friday, April 21, 2017

BREAKING NEWS: Salisbury Bypass Shut Down

A viewer has informed us that a truck has flipped over in the one lane area on the Bypass from the Mall area to the Salisbury exit. It is completely shut down. 


  1. Just that direction is shut down. They are now diverting all cars going that direction off the bypass at the mall exit

  2. And now both sides are shut down. As an excavator is helping to clear the accident.

  3. Both directions were shut down as of 5 min ago as a crane was in westbound lane probably to lift truck.

  4. Southbound blocked at Naylor Mill Rd exit also. Traffic back up at Naylor and Jersey 4 way.

  5. As of 730 they wouldn't even let you on the bypass near Royal Farms in hebron. Just FYI

  6. In the last few days people have been driving like maniacs.I notice it the worst between the Md St Police barracks and Zion Rd on both sides of 13.

    1. It's tourist time. Welcome to lower PA.

  7. Thank goodness the Sheriffs Office is out there. They are making things smooth as possinle.

  8. Just wait until OC gets going full steam.

  9. This is just the beginning! Just wait for the vacationers who didn't have all this construction last summer. FUN FUN FUN - NOT!

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    In the last few days people have been driving like maniacs.I notice it the worst between the Md St Police barracks and Zion Rd on both sides of 13.

    April 21, 2017 at 8:07 AM

    It's been much longer than that driver. The police need to monitor the bypass more. People have gotten used to the construction zone and have increased their speeds to pre-zone levels.

    I had one jackass almost run me into the joisy barrier when he "yielded" coming from west bound rt 50. If I was in my older truck things could have gotten ugly.

  11. It was a street sweeping machine that flipped on its side after hitting the wall. I wonder if it was a road construction piece of equipment, or a city of Salisbury piece of equipment? I got through this morning before the northbound side was shut down, but it was stop and go all the way through. They are way behind schedule on the northbound repairs and there is no way they are going to have it open for summer traffic, like they proposed. A HUGE problem is in the making for this summer's traffic. It is going to take less time for a Baltimoron vacationer to get to VA Beach than it will take them to get to OC. That bypass fiasco is going to ruin the season for OC this year. It is a mess now, and going to get worse.


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