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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Breaking News: President Trump is likely to sign an order setting in motion a U.S. withdrawal from the Nafta trade accord, an official says

President Trump is likely to sign an executive order formally withdrawing the United States from the North American Free Trade Agreement, according to a senior administration official. The move would set the stage for renegotiating the deal with Canada and Mexico and fulfill one of Mr. Trump’s major campaign promises.

It was not clear what the language of the executive order would be, or what steps would come next. But an executive order could start a required six-month notification period for withdrawal, during which time talks on renegotiation could be pursued.


  1. Thank you, Mr. President!

  2. 6:03 Why? Doubtful that you have any clue as to what NAFTA is.

  3. 603 here, and yep! Nobody was ever told and you and I don't know.

    Can you think if a better reason to get rid of a law that directly affects YOU?

    I think Mr. President thinks the same thing. and he has probably actually SEEN it, unlike you and me, and decided it is bad for America. I would rather trust a President who elects to void such a law than one who would pass it without showing it to the Citizens is directly affects.

    So, 7:38, what say you?

  4. Perot was right stop the sucking sound. If it was so good 7:38 ..why are illegals still coming here for Jobs!!!

  5. NAFTA was signed by Clinton and that was the beginning of thousands of American jobs going to Mexico. That was when our manufacturing companies all started moving to Mexico. Clinton and the Democrats said it would help America by Mexicans buying our goods. That was so laughable how many Mexicans living in cardboard boxes are going to buy American made cars. A good move by Trump then he will negotiate better deals with Mexico and other countries. After all he is a smart businessman.

  6. Making America great again.

  7. Try buying any piece of clothing made in the USA. NAFTA sent the entire garment manufacturing industry out of the country.


  8. Article factual incorrect. Maybe a few changes but that's it.

  9. 5:54 You can buy blue jeans that are made in the US. They cost $200 a pair. How many pairs you want?


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