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Sunday, April 02, 2017

Boy Wonder Mayor Jake Day Wants To Buy Your Vote

Tonight, somewhere in Salisbury, Mayor Jake Day is holding a cookout giving away free burgers and hot dogs. I'm told he's been going door to door in Salisbury also giving away free smoke detectors.

His concern is that while he allegedly claims to have an open door policy for people to come speak to him, he feels he needs to reach out to the public because of his lack of doing anything at all.

However, it's not like Day is visiting Riverside Drive. No, instead, Day is visiting the west si eede of Salisbury. I guess lobsters and crabs weren't in the budget. 

Your tax dollars buying votes. Leave it to a Liberal.

By the way, the image above is from Jake Day and not something we put together. It was on his Facebook page. 


  1. I literally spit up my lemonade when I saw this on TV 📺March 29, 2017 at 5:47 PM

    The TV 📺 is not his friend. What a crock of garbage. Do your damn job, Jake. Pay your bills and quit sucking up to people who need jobs. Create jobs.

  2. Are we seeing more of those smoke detectors that the landlord association buys at wholesale for $2 or so apiece, donates to the city fire department for a big tax write-off, then, through the fire department, gives them to their tenants, who are residents of over 70+% of the housing in Salisbury? What a scam.

    1. I literally spit up my lemonade when I saw this on TV 📺March 29, 2017 at 8:32 PM

      🙄🙄 knew there had to be a reason he was giving out free smoke detectors. Most people bring wine but Jake brings a stupid smoke detector. What a putz. 559 thanks for clearing that up.

  3. Obama Crooked BastardoMarch 29, 2017 at 6:02 PM

    Clueless "captain" of sinking ship called Da Bury, yeah, what a Moron!

  4. He's just following the Donald Trump model. Tell the idiots what they want to hear and give them a free hat/hotdog.

  5. Spring is in the air and so are those code and compliance letters seeking to "inspect" your occupied rental home. Our response was thanks, but no thanks. Fix the existing problems, instead of making up problems that don't exist to resolve.

    You should be inspecting them BEFORE they are rented.

    Such an invasion of privacy.

  6. Go door to door on church st at dusk. Oh and while you're there pick me up a dime bag.

    1. That dime bag would be Re classified under SPD Jake Day as a Nickle Bag.....


  7. What a mature, sophisticated impression the mare thought was appropriate on his FB page. Not!!

  8. This is one of the infamous pastor bill croppers' church members. Yea this says a lot about the type of Christianity being taught and accepted out there in Hebron. Yea Jake you 'DA captain now bitches!! Real nice

  9. If he is trying for baffon that pose hits the mark. Either that or he is crusein for a boyfriend

  10. 6:22 PM ha ha ha, so true!!

  11. FREE ? My tax payer $$$ ?

  12. This from his FB page - "you have to separate the noise from the meaningful news". To summarize - we don't tell the truth because we don't feel it is meaningful news. This boy couldn't admit the truth if it smacked him. It is not very meaningful to be a liar and deny-er, and only approved government controlled speech is meaningful!

    Jacob Day
    We feel like Salisbury is always getting positive coverage. If you listen for the important, game-changing things and drown out the noise, it's mostly good news.
    March 21 at 9:32pm

    Ann Marie Nolan
    Not sure I'd agree. The reporting is not always positive. The press here is not living up to what Wicomico County citizens need and deserve. Good or bad the truth is NOT always told...with all due respect, your honor. I want nothing more than to see our community grow and thrive and under your leadership I honestly believe we can achieve greatness.
    March 21 at 9:44pm

    Jacob Day
    I appreciate that - and there is always bad news in the world, you have to separate the noise from the meaningful news. But yes, more GOOD news should be covered!
    March 21 at 9:45pm

    1. Hey jakey there is so much Greeeeeeeat news that all WBOC does is cover delaware lol ? you sir a clueless SNOWFLAKE TOOL.

  13. where are there free food I missed it.

    1. It better be coming out of his pocket.

  14. How much does he pay for voters from Delaware? I'm currently working some opportunities from John McCain in Arizona(?).

  15. Save that photo to print as a flier for the next election. Mom and dad must be so proud.

  16. A clueless ..Captain obvious

  17. Day couldnt leed a pack of girl scouts.

  18. Anonymous said...
    He's just following the Donald Trump model. Tell the idiots what they want to hear and give them a free hat/hotdog.

    March 29, 2017 at 6:21 PM

    What a Dumba$$!! Trump doesn't give anything away! He makes you earn it, the American way.

  19. "Jacob Day
    I appreciate that - and there is always bad news in the world, you have to separate the noise from the meaningful news. But yes, more GOOD news should be covered!
    March 21 at 9:45pm"

    There you have it in a nutshell. Only report the "Good news" and never report the "Truth", oh, did I mean "Bad news"?

    What an ass...

  20. Anonymous said...
    If he is trying for baffon that pose hits the mark. Either that or he is crusein for a boyfriend

    March 29, 2017 at 6:45 PM


  21. Anonymous said...
    Are we seeing more of those smoke detectors that the landlord association buys at wholesale for $2 or so apiece, donates to the city fire department for a big tax write-off, then, through the fire department, gives them to their tenants, who are residents of over 70+% of the housing in Salisbury? What a scam.

    March 29, 2017 at 5:59 PM

    The code requires the Slum Lords to provide the residence with a smoke detector. The Slumlords are making out like a bandit by getting Jake Day and those idiots at the Far Deeparmint to install them for free. Can you imagine what it would cost the slum lord to check and/or install free smoke detectors all over Salisbury. Especially with the rental industry at 95% in Salisbury.

  22. When I saw the picture I thought for a second did that come from Jake? I put it out of my mind thinking he couldn't be so stupid.

  23. Anyway to get this picture to the President to get this little Homo thrown out of the Military!

  24. jacobrday Such an incredible evening in #Doverdale with a neighborhood coming together around their @cityofsby public servants, churches and neighborhood advocates. In spite of all the beautiful moments and new friendships, none was better than this one I captured. Bull and Chapo. Friends forever. (Yes I see tongue.)

  25. With all his failed promises from the SFD to SPD, his time is very limited. One term and he will be gone. Remember there is and will be a raising star that will run against him and destroy him in the next election. Bye Bye Jake. Thanks for failed promises and destroying SPD and SFD....

  26. That certainly is a strange pose for a young man with a high and tight. Gives me chills and not in a good way.

  27. A raising (sic) star? Any hints?

  28. You know the military don't ask don't tell

  29. Hey jake can you return my phone call or email or just my daughters

  30. I have tried over and over to reach you about issues in Salisbury you really must be busy. Jake don't take time out to sit down with young girls that should have been referred to the BOE by the way did you get all her information to the BOE Jake? Have you let them know what you sat down and talked about on more than one occasion? I am sure the BOE knows about it right JAKE you did pass on the information

  31. 7:52 says: "One term and he will be gone."

    And just who do you think would beat him in the next mayoral election???


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