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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Board of Elections Examining Voter Rolls after Conservative Group Raises Questions

Members of Montgomery County’s Board of Elections said Monday they are reviewing the voter rolls after a conservative group questioned why the county’s total number of registered voters is higher than the number of adults in the county.

However, board members said they haven’t uncovered any wrongdoing and that the process of removing voters from the rolls is a lengthy one that could have resulted in the discrepancy.

Judicial Watch, which receives millions in funding from conservative groups such as the Sarah Scaife Foundation, sent a letter to the state Board of Elections this month threatening a National Voter Registration Act lawsuit over the county’s voter rolls. The group found the county’s voter registration total was about 103 percent of the census-recorded population of residents over the age of 18 in the county.



  1. Democrats cheat its a fact. Let the hangings begin already.

  2. If anybody thinks these progressive / liberal crooks will find wrong doing, I have a beautiful mansion 10 miles east off Ocean City for sale. All public services available. No crime and solitude for those romantic nights.


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